What is the past tense of "I ask"
I asked
Choose a word from the box, and use it to form the simple present
The hamster __________________beside me every day in class.
leave• sing• run• talk• sit
The hamster sits beside me every day in class.
Find the error:
Emma and Freja reads a book.
Emma and Freja read a book.
De havde en gård
They had a farm
Han har haft en blå cykel
He has had a blue bike
What is the past tense of "I tell"
I told
Create the present tense with "make presents"
The elves
I make presents
She/He makes presents
We make presents
They make presents
It makes present
The elves make presents
Correct the sentence:
He swim across the river.
He swims across the river.
Han har en flot cykel
He has a nice bike
They have had a good party
De har haft en god fest
Choose a word from the box, and use it to form the correct tense
Last night I _____________to my best friend for hours.
Leave, sing, run, talk, sit
Last night I talked to my best friend for hours.
Hvornår skal der tilføjes -s i nutid?
Ved 3.person ental (he, she, it)
Bøj to be i nutid
I am
You are
He,she,it is
We are
You are
They are
Han har haft en rød bil
He has had a red car
Choose the correct verb and make it into present perfect tense (førnutid).
That’s a wonderful movie. I ______________ it three times.
Word List: fix, begin, arrive, be, see, stop, peak, buy, read, visit
That’s a wonderful movie. I have seen it three times.
I går gik han hjem
Yesterday he walked home
Oversæt til engelsk:
Valdemar og Daniel kan lide pizza.
Valdemar and Daniel like pizza.
Bøj to be i datid
I was
You were
He,she,it was
We were
You were
They were
De havde haft en god fest
They had had a good party
Translate into English
De har haft en god day
They have had a good day
I går legede børnene i haven
Yesterday the children played in the garden
Make into present tense:
Vi bought an icecream
We buy an icecream
If we get a new Santa, I don’t think I him as much as the old one.
a) will like
b) will be liking
c) like
If we get a new Santa, I don’t think I will like him as much as the old one.
Nova og Liva har haft en god time (lesson)
Nova and Live have had a good lesson
Oversæt til past perfect (førdatid)
De havde haft sol hele dagen, da det begyndte at regne
They had had sun all day when it started raining