The verb in the following sentence is transitive or intransitive...
You are exercising the correct way.
Stay calm.
What is stay, linking?
Identify the adverb:
The sprinter ran swiftly.
What is swiftly?
Identify the verb phrase:
Our school has always won the soccer match.
What is has won?
This kind of verb expresses either physical or mental activity.
What is action verb?
Action verbs express either of these types of activity.
What is physical and mental?
Charles looked through the window.
What is looked, action?
Adverbs often end in these two letters.
What is L Y?
Identify the helping verbs:
The trees there can be an awesome sight.
What is can?
This kind of verb links the subject to a word or word group that identifies or describes the subject.
What is a linking verb?
"Wish" is an example of an action verb that demonstrates this kind of activity.
What is mental?
I always enjoy field trips.
What is enjoy, action verb?
Identify the adverb:
Dad will sometimes quote Desmond Tutu.
What is "sometimes?"
Identify the helping verbs:
Did you do the homework?
What is did?
This type of verb helps the main verb express action or state of being.
What is helping verb?
Identify the action verb:
This waterfall drops two hundred feet.
What is drops?
One space vehicle seemed like something from a movie.
What is seemed, linking verb?
Identify the adverb:
Oklahoma is not the Cherokee's original home.
What is "not?"
Identify the helping verbs:
More of the forest might have already been saved.
What is might have been?
This part of speech modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb.
What is adverb?
Identify the action verb:
Mix the ingredients slowly.
What is mix?
A linking verb expresses state of...
What is being?
Adverbs answer one of these questions.
All three acceptable.
What is where, when, or how?
Identify the helping verb:
She has had a cold.
What is has?
A synonym for an auxiliary verb.
What is helping verb?