What two things do verbs show?
Action and state of being
What is a noun?
A person, place, thing, or idea
What is the definition of a pronoun?
A word that replaces or refers to a noun.
The purpose of an adjective is to describe or modify ______________ or ______________
Nouns and pronouns
What is the definition of connotation and denotation
Connotation = feeling of a word
denotation = meaning of a word
What are the linking verbs?
Is, Am, Are, Was, Were, Be, Been, Being
What is the definition of connotation and denotation?
Connotation is the feeling of a word.
Denotation is the meaning of a word.
What is an antecedent?
The noun the pronoun replaces or refers to.
One month after I broke my leg, the doctor removed my cast.
One describing month
Correctly punctuate this sentence
Elk Ridge Elementary School which is behind Glacier Middle School is an excellent school.
Elk Ridge Elementary School, which is behind Glacier Middle School, is an excellent school.
Is the main verb action or linking?
She is very excited about the trip.
Linking - is
Is the main verb action or linking?
Mia filled the vase with fresh roses and set it on the counter.
Action = filled
The bird flew to its nest and they laid an egg.
The bird flew to its nest and it laid an egg.
What are the four questions adjectives answer?
How many/much? Whose? What kind? Which ones?
Combine the sentence and the appositive phrase with correct punctuation
Sentence: The book was quickly checked out by students.
displayed on the shelf
The book, displayed on the shelf, was quickly checked out by students.
Is the main verb action or linking?
The soup smells delicious.
Linking = smells
Which sentence has the more precise verb?
The river is a winding path that moves/flows through the valley.
The river is a winding path that flows through the valley.
Correct the pronoun usage error:
Mrs. Richards and me love to go hiking after work.
Mrs. Richards and I love to go hiking after work.
Identify the adjectives in the following sentence:
The moldy food sat in the fridge for six months.
Moldy, Six
Correct the verb shift error: She grabs her backpack and walked out the door.
She grabs her backpack and walks out the door.
Correct the inappropriate verb shift error: She walked into the room and sees her friend waiting for her.
She walked into the room and SAW her friend waiting for her.
The wise owl is a nocturnal hunter that soars/flies through the night sky.
The wise owl is a nocturnal hunter that soars through the night sky.
Correct the vague pronoun:
When June fell over Marla's backpack, she broke her leg.
She= June or Marla
Identify the adjective:
Excited to get to the movie premier, I was the first person in line.
Movie, First
The leader’s speech convinced and changed the minds of many citizens, inspiring them to take action.
Which more precise word choice best replaces "changed the minds" in order to maintain a consistent tone?
A. persuaded
B. tricked
C. forced
D. told