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What is a verb?

Part os the sentece express action.


what is a noun?

a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things


How mane parts there are on speech? 



The three tenses in English are?

-Present Tense. 

-Past Tense. 

-Future Tense.


Personal pronouns in english:

I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, and them


How do you teach verbs?


What are the 4 types of nouns?

common nouns.

- proper nouns.

-abstract nouns.

-collective nouns.

-concrete nouns.


What are the 4 main parts of speech?

nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs


What are tenses in grammar?

tense, in grammar, a verbal category relating the time of a narrated event to the time of the speech event. In many languages the concept of time is expressed not by the verb but by other parts of speech (temporal adverbials or even nouns, for example). Related Topics: past tense future tense present tense aspect verb.


What are the rules of Present Simple tense?

Subject + V1 + s/es + Object (Singular) Subject + V1 + Object (Plural)


How do you teach verbs?

  1. Explain the type of words. Help your child understand the word first. ...
  2. Help them identify verbs in sentences. ...
  3. Keep a list of verbs your kid speaks & understands. ...
  4. Use verbs associated with things that your child likes to do. ...
  5. Practice.

How do you identify a noun?

Nouns are commonly de¢ned as words that refer to a person, place, thing, or idea. How can you identify a noun? If you can put the word the in front of a word and it sounds like a unit, the word is a noun. For example, the boy sounds like a unit, so boy is a noun.


How many parts are in a speech?

Speeches are organized into three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.


What are the 4 basic tenses?

the simple, progressive, perfect and perfect progressive.


What called tense?

a form of a verb used to show the past, present, or future time of the action or state it denotes. tense.


What is a basic verb?

The base verb is the simplest form of verb without any special ending. It is the form of the verb used in to + verb forms without “to”. For example: dance, do, cook, sing, play, read, etc


Can you mention me some nouns?

Art, Map, Information 


What are the 6 elements of speech?

  • Grabber. A grabber is used to open your remarks, connect with your audience and capture their attention. ...
  • Subject. Explicitly state the subject of your remarks. ...
  • Message. ...
  • Theme. ...
  • Structure. ...
  • Call to action.

What are the rules of Past Continuous tense?

Subject + was + V1 + ing + Object (Singular) Subject + were + V1 + ing + Object (Plural)


What is type of tense?

In English, there are 2 tenses: simple present and simple past.


What are the 4 types of verbs?

intransitive, transitive, linking, and passive.


What is difference between noun and pronoun?

Nouns are words that name things, people, animals, places, qualities, actions, and ideas. Pronouns is a word that can be used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Verbs Verbs are words that show actions, occurrences, or states of being. Each verb has many different forms.


What is types of speech?

inform, to instruct, to entertain, and to persuade


What are the rules of Past perfect continuous tense?

Subject + had been + V1 + ing + Object


What are the types of pronouns?

  • Relative pronouns.
  • Reflexive pronouns.
  • Object pronouns.
  • Personal pronouns / Subject pronouns.
  • Reciprocal Pronouns.
  • Possessive pronouns.
  • Demonstrative pronouns.
  • Interrogative pronouns.