Lights, Camera, Action Verbs!
Zelda? No, Link(ing Verbs)
¡Ayuda! Helping verbs
Let me rephrase that: Verb phrases
That’s so random! Random verb questions

What makes action verbs unique?

What is “they show an action”?


Identify the linking verb in this sentence: The museum said rainbow snakes are nonvenomous and harmless.

What is “are”?


Identify the helping verb in this sentence: “The kids had spent weeks building a tree house.”

What is “had”?


Identify the verb phrase in this sentence: His ex-girlfriend might be dating someone else now.

What is “might be dating”?


What three tenses can verbs be in?

What are past, present, and future?


Identify the action verb in this sentence: You shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet.

What is “believe”?


Action verbs show action, but linking verbs do this.

What is “connect the subject to another idea”?


These are the three main helping verbs.

What are do, be, and can?


Verb phrases never include this.

What is “anything other than a verb”?


This is the full definition of a verb.

What is “a word that shows an action or a state of being”?


Identify the action verb in this sentence: “Some organizations have taken action, however.”

What is “taken”?


If you replace a verb with THIS, and the sentence still makes sense, you know it’s a linking verb.

What is a “be” verb?


Helping verbs combine with action verbs to create these.

What are verb phrases?


Identify the verb phrase in the following sentence: It looked like the baseball players were having some sort of event.

What is “were having”?


Rewrite this sentence so it is in the past tense: A hippo adopts a rhino and teaches it how to swim.

What is “A hippo adopted a rhino and taught it how to swim”?


Identify the 3 action verbs in this sentence: A hiker in Florida found and took pictures of a rare rainbow snake, a species that experts say hasn't been seen in the area for more than 50 years.

What are “found, took, and seen”?


Identify the linking verb in this sentence: One computer screen looked like it was shining brighter than the others.

What is “looked”?


Identify the helping verb in this sentence: She could hear the roar of a huge crowd across the water, a thousand cheers rising and falling together.

What is “could”?


Identify the verb phrase in this sentence: “The teacher couldn’t believe my story about that dog eating my homework.”

What is “couldn’t believe”?


This is the definition of a verb phrase.

What is “an action and helping verb working together”?


Identify the 4 action verbs in this sentence: “The next shots showed Taylor posed on a sun lounger and in a bathtub, dressed in a white robe with a towel wrapped around her head.”

What are “showed, posed, dressed, and wrapped”?


These are all 8 of the “be” verbs.

What are: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been?


Modal helping verbs change the meaning or attitude of verb phrases. Write a sentence that correctly uses a modal helping verb.

What is a sentence that contains one of the following words (correctly): Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Shall, Should, Must, Ought to?


Replace the verb in this sentence with a verb phrase: Tyrone voted in every election..

What is “had voted,” “did vote,” or “was voting”?


Identify all 8 verbs in this sentence: “Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I never left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death.”

What are: decided, was, left, spent, read, ate, devoted, thinking?