Present/Past Tense
Action Verbs
Irregular Verbs
Helping Verbs
Write this sentence with the correct past tense verb. The boys (fix, fixed) the lighting equipment.
what is fixed.
Identify the action verb in the following sentence: Sally walked to the mall.
What is walked.
Name the correct irregular verb in the form of past tense. I have (give) a report on my trip.
What is given.
Identify the helping verb(s) in the following sentence: Arthur is walking to the mall at five o'clock.
What is is.
Identify the verb(s) in the following sentence AND state the subject: Sondra sprinted during the race.
What is sprinted and what is Sondra.
Write this sentence with the correct tense verb. Ramon (sell, sells) tickets for the show.
What is sells.
Identify the action verb in the following sentence: Sheila drove her car into the bridge.
What is drove.
Name the correct irregular verb in the form of past tense. Alex and I had (bring) our skis.
What is brought.
Identify the helping verb(s) in the following sentence: Luke was watching the football game on TV.
What is was.
Identify the verb(s) in the following sentence AND state the subject.: Harry tasted the spicy salsa.
What is tasted and What is Harry.
Write this sentence with the correct present tense verb. They both (dash, dashes) to the store for make-up.
What is dash.
Identify the action verb in the following sentence: Alex and Marsha questioned Mr. Schlote about his fabulously decorated star shirt.
What is questioned.
Name the correct irregular verb in the form of past tense. We (eat) wonderful food.
What is ate.
Identify the helping verb(s) in the following sentence: The dancers have practiced their routine before.
What is have.
Identify the verb(s) in the sentence. Tell what tense. The riders have practiced for a long time.
What is have and practiced. What is past tense.
Use the verb "wish" to write a sentence using it in furture tense.
Answers will vary.
Identify the action verb in the following sentence: Luke and Samantha were dancing the night away at the prom.
What is dancing.
Name the correct irregular verb in the form of past tense. Then name the subject of the sentence. A guide (tell) us about its history.
What is told. What is guide.
Identify the helping verb(s) in the following sentence: In the morning, Gabby was looking over her notes for the test.
What is was.
Identify the verb(s) in the following sentence AND tell what tense. Sarah is practicing for the Olympics.
What is is (HV), practicing (MV), and Presen tense.
Read the following paragraph and correct all of the verb forms that are misspelled. Each actor relys on others during a performance. Jerry make sure your costume fits. The actors waits until Director press a button to call you on-stage. A signal buzz. The script runner rush to help actors who forgetes their lines. All the actors try to do their best. Good luck!
What is relys = relies, make = makes, waits = wait, press = presses, buzz=buzzez, rush = rushes, forgetes = forget.
Identify the action verb AND the subject in the following sentence: Mrs. Munday should have listened to the instructions from the policeman.
What is action = listened and subject = Mrs. Munday.
Name the correct irregular verb in the form of past tense, tell the subject and predicate of the sentence AND what is the helping verb being used? I had (sing) it at home many times for practice.
What is Dad and I. What is sung/sang. What is had.
Identify the helping verb and main verb in the following sentence: Please make sure you are practicing your spelling words.
What is are. What is practicing.
Make all corrections to the verbs in this paragraph. Hint: make sure the subject and verb AGREE. Anita's Diner serve an excellent Sunday breakfast. Anita's bakers bakes wonderful whole-grain bread. The friendly waiters brings to your table all the bread you can eat. Anita even make her own blueberry jam. Anita's nephew squeeze fresh oranges to make the juice. The food is so tasty some people ate at the diner every day.
What is serve = serves, bakes = bake, brings = bring, make = makes, squeeze = squeezes, ate = eat.