Verb Tense
Regular/Irregular Verbs
Subject-Verb agreement
Misc. Verbs
The _____ of a verb shows the time that the action or condition takes place
What is a tense
Is the following verb in the sentence regular or irregular? "Niko had purchased all of the champagne."
What is regular
What does a complete sentence contain?
What is a subject and a verb
The verb in the following sentence is which type of verb (action, linking, helping, compound)? "I am short."
What is linking
Which tense is the following sentence written in? "Anthony has a big kitchen."
What is present tense
_____ verbs are verbs who past tense and past participle do not end in -ed, but are formed in a variety of ways.
What is irregular
To maintain subject-verb agreement, a singular subject must have a _____ verb
What is singular
A verb with more than one part is called a ______ verb
What is a compound verb
True or False: you do not have to stay with the tense you begin with at the start of a paragraph
What is false
____ verbs are verbs who past participles are used with has, have, or had.
What is regular
True or False: A plural verb form in the present tense generally does not end in -s.
What is true
Verb pretenders are also called ____
What are verbals
To form this tense, use the -ed form of the verb
What is past tense
Identify whether the verb is regular or irregular in the following sentence: "Kate placed the grapes in the bowl."
What is regular
To check for subject-verb agreement, what must you first identify in the sentence?
What is the subject
To to+verb combination looks like a verb but does not act as a verb in a sentence. Instead, it acts as a noun or a ____ that describes something.
What is a modifier
Which verb in the following sentence needs to be edited in order to correct an unnecessary shift in verb tense? "My stepson angered me, but I try to understand."
What is try
Identify whether the following verb is regular or irregular in the sentence: "Alice caught a cold on the airplane."
What is irregular
What is incorrect in the following sentence and why? "Elaine go to the recycling center."
What is singular subject, plural verb form/ go
What type of verb is used in the following sentence? "You must reply this afternoon."
What is a helping verb.