Excavation Area
Caller Information
Location Information


GPS coordinates and a request for a radius of the GPS coordinates are enough information to complete the excavation area. 

Policy Tech Doc. 1305 

14.9.3. A description of where the excavation is taking place must be entered in the Excavation Area field in addition to the GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude coordinates alone do not describe the area of excavation)


When would you provide driving directions on a locate request?

PolicyTech Document # 1856 

7.5. Driving directions when voluntarily provided by caller


True or False:

If the caller does not know the mailing address zipcode, you will not be able to proceed with the ticket.

False: Policy Tech Doc. #1849 Ask, “What is the zip code for the mailing address?” If the caller does not know the zip code, enter the city name and choose one from the list of zip codes for that area


When should you ask the caller "For your safety and verification purposes, please restate the address or intersection where work is taking place"?

Immediately after Asking “What is the lot # or physical address where the work is taking place?” 

PolicyTech Document 1854 - Section 1.5.1


Which type of locate requests require verification?

PT Doc# 1905

1. Verification for new locate requests including Normal, Emergency, Meeting, and Designer locate requests.

5. Verification for Re-mark, Update, and for locate request revisions including 3HR Notices, Cancel, Correction, and Unsuspended locate requests


What is the purpose of mapping verification?

To define how to use mapping commands and tools to find the location of excavation within the map and draw the notification polygon. 

(Think of it as painting the picture, to ensure the polygon covers the entire work area)


If the street name(s) provided do not match our map, how would you handle this discrepancy?

PolicyTech Document # 1856

7.8. If the street name(s) provided do not match what is displayed on the map, match the map, and document the discrepancy


What ticket type(s) would the question "Are you doing the work yourself or hiring a contractor" apply too?

Normal & Emergencies only.

PolicyTech Doc #1849: If OWNER is selected, a message box will display, Ask, “Are you doing the work yourself or hiring a contractor?” (for Normal and Emergencies ONLY) 


What is the proper way to enter an address range in the Street Field?

PolicyTech Doc. 1854 If an address range is provided, enter the lowest address number first followed by a hyphen and then the highest numbered address


True or False:

You must verify all information entered in the Caller Information field for a New Caller.

True: . Verify all information entered in the Caller Information (this includes Field Contact and Phone) fields by reading back what was entered and asking the caller to confirm its accuracy


Daily Double!!!

How can you engage the caller in a discussion regarding the location of the work site?

PT Doc# 1305 Ask probing questions and describe the data that is currently displaying on the map such as A major roadway from which the street or cross street extends and/or intersecting or cross streets                                            Landmarks or natural boundaries, such as bodies of water, buildings, railroad tracks, tree lines, businesses, places of worship (e.g., churches, synagogues, mosques), schools, cemeteries, malls, parks, airports or county / city borders or cemeteries


When completing a linear excavation locate request what information do you need to ensure to add for the locate request to be locatable?

PolicyTech Doc # 1856: 3.1.1. Enter the beginning point, the distance or length of excavation, or how far out the excavation will extend on either side and the ending point.

4. Make use of the acronym B.E.D.S. (Beginning, Ending, Direction or Distance and Side)


While taking a ticket, you discovered the customer may be a new caller. Upon asking for the customer's email, the customer does not feel comfortable providing it.

 How could you explain the importance's of providing an email address?

PolicyTech Doc# 1849: A Positive Response Confirmation will be sent once all the operators / contract locator(s) have responded to the Positive Response System.

You can also reassure the caller we do not sell any private information.


What information do you need to verify when caller calls in to request a(n) revision, update or remark locate request?

PolicyTech Document 1854

2.1. To ensure that the revision, Update, or Re-mark is being processed on the correct locate request ask, “What is the County or City and the Street address or Intersection where the work is taking place?”


During final verification, how do you verify to ensure you have the correct information?

Verify the address and excavation area as separate questions.

PT Doc 1905: 

4.2.2. Verbally restate the address or intersection entered on the locate request and ask, “Is that correct?” Wait for the caller to provide verbal confirmation that the information is accurate 

4.2.3. Verbally restate the description of excavation as written and ask, “Is that correct?” Wait for caller to provide verbal confirmation that the information is accurate 


What attributes must be displayed on the map to constitue as a "direct hit"? 

Policy Tech Doc. 1305

8.1.1. When ALL the following attributes display on the map: road segment, corresponding road address range, and parcel data with address point this constitutes a direct mapping hit


If excavation is taking place or beginning at an intersection, how would you enter the information in the Excavation Area?

PolicyTech Doc# 1856: 7.2. If excavation is taking place or beginning at an intersection, enter the name of the intersecting streets; for example: “From the intersection of Main St and Marshall Ave…” 7.2.1. Avoid the use of “from the above intersection” 



When changing information on an established caller, you do not have to read it back to confirm.

False: Policy Tech Doc #1849 - 1.2.3. Any changes made to the caller’s information must be restated to ensure accuracy. 

Spell back any letters that are difficult to distinguish using the abbreviated military alphabet. 


What are the specifications of the Location Information Field on a Locate Request? 

The Location Information fields contain information regarding the specific location of excavation as delineated in §56-265.18 2 of the Virginia Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act to include the type of excavation being done, who the work is being done for, the address or intersection(s) where the work is taking place, if the boring or blasting will take place and if the area has been pre-marked with white paint or flags. The Location Information section is completed for all new locate requests including Normal, Emergency, Meeting, and Designer requests.


What information on a suspended ticket do you need to verify?

PT Doc 1860: 3.3. Verbally review caller’s email address and contact phone number 

3.4. To confirm that the correct locate request is being processed ask, “What is the County or City and the Street address or Intersection where the work is taking place?” 

3.5. Review the Instructions field to determine the reason the locate request was suspended 


List the five locate request types that require mapping verification.

PolicyTech Doc #1305: 7.1. Is completed for all new locate requests and 3HR Notices, and for Re-marks and Updates if a current 3HR Notice exists on the locate request.

7.2. Mapping verification is not required if the map produces a Direct Mapping Hit, however it is considered a best practice to ensure everyone’s safety


If the description of excavation cannot be provided, what additional information can you ask the customer as delineated in the Virginia Administrative Code , 20VAC5-309-190?

PolicyTech Doc#1856: 7.13. If the description of excavation cannot be provided, ask for additional information as delineated in the Virginia Administrative Code, 20VAC5-309-190 which includes the following VIRGINIA UTILITY PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. Title: Locate Request Entry - Excavation Area Procedure Next Review Date: 05/15/2025 Page 4 of 4 Version: 4 1856 7.13.1. GPS coordinates 7.13.2. White lining 7.13.3. White lining using electronic means 7.13.4. A reference to the two nearest intersecting streets 7.13.5. Driving directions 7.13.6. Quadrants 


Upon completing the caller information, What is the next step in completing a locate request for a New Caller?

Policy Tech Doc# 1849: 1.3.9. Restate all the information entered from the Phone through Field Contact fields and ask, “Is all this information accurate?” 


What type(s) of locate request create a(n) revision number?

PolicyTech Doc 1854

3HR Notice, Correction, Cancel, or unsuspend 

2.2.1. If processing a 3HR Notice, complete the additional steps before selecting the 3HR Notice command 

2.3. Select the Re-mark command if marks were destroyed by weather or construction 

2.4. If the same work will continue beyond the life of a locate request (15 working days), select the Update command 

2.4.1. An Update can only be processed on the 12th or 13th day of life of the locate


A customer has come across the Unmarked Utility line, what should you review with the customer before selecting the 3HR Notice button?

PT Doc 1323: 

Verify who you are speaking to and what company they are with?

What is the County/City and address/intersection where the work is taking place?

What is the reason for your notice?

Verbally review Locate/Due by Date, Positive Responses, Restate the description of excavation, Verify the map to ensure that the polygon is drawn correctly.

Wait for the customers response before selecting the 3HR Notice Command.