does veronica have a dad?
what is no?
what type of books does veronica read
what is romance?
Who was veronicas first boyfriend
What is Wyatt?
what is model?
what is veronicas birthday
what is july 29th?
where did veronica grow up
what is ontario?
does veronica play sports
what is absolutely not?
How many bodies does veronica have
Where is veronicas restaurant located
What is Langdon?
who is veronicas favourite princess
what is rapunzel?
has veronica ever not had a pet
what is no
does veronica join any school clubs
what is no?
what is veronicas kiss count
what is 0?
Where is veronica goin on a modeling contract
What is mexico?
what is veronicas type
What is white boys?
what is 2?
what is baking? (also accept sleep)
has veronica ever gotten with an ex
what is never?
since what year has veronica been modeling
what is 2019?
what is yes?
what was the name of veronicas childhood best friend
what is carly?
is veronica introverted
what is yes?
how many people has veronica talked to (not including 2 exes)
what is 6?
what does veronica want to go to school for
what is cosmetology (also accept esthetician)
how many peircings does veronica have
what is 4 (also accept 2)