This country is known for its high literacy rate among children.
What is Finland?
This elderly agricultural man is famous for his many vocal animals
Who is Old McDonald?
This traditionally hangs over a baby's head in the crib
What is a mobile?
These showers bring May flowers
What is an April Shower?
The correct term for a Baby Sheep
What is a Lamb?
In this country, children celebrate the festival of Holi by throwing colored powders and water at each other.
Little stars in the sky twinkled like this precious gemstone
What is a diamond?
These things go missing in the wash, they are adorable, but you never have the right pair
What are socks?
This type of shower occurs when the Earth passes through a trail of debris left by a comet or asteroid
What is a meteor shower?
The correct term for a Baby Kangaroo
What is a Joey?
This European country has a tradition of children leaving their shoes out on December 5th to be filled with treats by St. Nicholas.
What is the Netherlands?
This child was often closely followed by her white fleeced sheep
Who is Mary?
Adults can own these, often the first item of clothing a baby wears
What is a onesie?
The pipes in the baths of ancient Rome were made of this harmful material
What is lead?
The correct term for a Baby Horse
What is a Foal?
This South American country is known for its vibrant Carnival celebrations, where children often dress in colorful costumes.
What is Brazil?
The rain washed the itsy bitsy spider from this
What is a waterspout?
A gift on a registry that rarely gets used
What is a wipe warmer?
This state has the most rain showers in the United States.
What is Mississippi
The correct term for a baby Seal
What is a Pup
This country celebrates Kalyady, a traditional festival where children dress in costumes and go door-to-door receiving treats, similar to Halloween.
What is Belarus?
Where little Miss Muffet sat to eat her curds and whey
What is a tuffet?
Used when a baby is born and during colds and illnesses
What is a nose sucker?
This U.S. state is known for residents taking the most frequent showers, averaging 6.7 times per week.
What is California?
The correct term for a baby butterfly
What is a caterpillar?