Lacks a vertebral body
Two lateral masses
Anterior arch facet
C1 - Atlas
What are the two groups of spinal curves? Which category does each spinal curve belong to?
Primary Curves (Kyphotic Curves): Thoracic curve & Sacral curve
Secondary Curves (lordotic curves): Cervical curve & Lumbar Curve
Powerpoint 1
Long non-bifid spinal process
Transverse foramina
C7 - Vertebrae prominens
How is rotational movement limited in the Lumbar spine?
The sagittal orientation of articular processes prevent rotational movements
Powerpoint 2
Nucleus Pulposus
Heart Shaped vertebral body
One demifacet
One complete facet
How is flexion and extension movements limited in the thoracic spine?
Due to relatively thin IVD compared to vertebral body and connection to sternum via ribs 1-10.
Powerpoint 5
Thoracic - Heart shaped vertebrae body, non-bifid spinous process, narrower and round vertebral foramen
Two demifacets
Heart shaped vertebral body
Circular and small vertebral foramen
T2-T9: Typical Thoracic vertebrae
Name the joints present in the vertebrae and their locations!
Symphyses-type Joints: between vertebral bodies
Zygapophyseal joints: Connects the inferior and superior articular processes
Costovertebral joints: articulation between vertebrae, vertebradisc and rib heads
costotransverse joints: articulation between the rib trabeculae and the transverse process of the vertebra
Sacro-iliac joints between the pelvic bone and sacrum.
Median and lateral atlantoaxial joints
Atlanto-occipital joint
Powerpoint 4 - What movements are possible in as result of the presented atypical structure?
Atlantoaxial joint: Rotation (Shaking No)
Triangle Vertebrae foramen
Short, robust spinous processes
Large transverse processes
Common site for forward slipping in some conditions
What is the pathway of weight transfer in the body in the standing vs sitting positions ?
Standing: L5 -> Sacrum -> sacroiliac joints -> ilium ->Acetabulum (hip joint) ->feumr
Sitting: L5 -> Sacrum -> Sacroiliac Joints -> Ilium -> Ischial Tuberosities
Powerpoint 3
Sacro-iliac Joint