What is the capital of Egypt?
What does the Spanish swordfighter plan to say to the six-fingered man when he meets him?
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Who plays the male lead in A Knight's Tale?
Heath Ledger
What was the name of the woman Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary Clinton with?
Monica Lewinski
Name as many vampire weaknesses as you can
-holy water
-not being able to come in unless invited
-wooden stake to heart
Which god had the head of a jackal?
What poison was used in the battle of wits between Vizzini and the Dread Pirate Roberts?
Iocane Powder
What is the torture method called when your limbs are tied to ropes to be pulled apart by horses?
Being drawn and quartered
Whose shirt did Justin Timberlake famously rip off at the 2004 Superbowl?
Janet Jackson
What was the name of the vampire government in Twilight?
The Volturi
What are the containers called that held organs after an embalming?
Canopic jars
What does R.O.U.S. stand for?
Rodents Of Unusual Size
What is a glaive?
Long spear-like weapon with a curved single-edged blade on one end
Which famous lifestyle guru was arrested for insider trading in 2004?
Martha Stewart
Who were Buffy's two vampire love interests?
Angel and Spike
What was your heart weighed against to determine your entrance to the afterlife?
A feather
What level is the torture machine set to when it kills Wesley?
How do you address these ranks:
Your Grace
Your Highness
Your Majesty
My Lord/Lady
On the set of which movie did Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie meet, which led to their affair?
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
What was Damon and Stefan's last name?
What was the riddle of the Sphinx?
What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the evening and three in the afternoon?
When a paralyzed Wesley is threatening Prince Humperdink, what is the one thing he says he'll leave untouched?
His ears
Name as many colours as you can of the six Toronto Medieval Times Knights- person with the most wins
Green, red, yellow, blue, red and yellow, black and white
Who stole the master bolt in Percy Jackson?
Which real-life historical figure was Dracula based on?
Vlad the Impaler