Which name is better
uranus,nikocado avacado,gorlock the destroyer
Obsiviouly all of them!!!!!
1000 points if correct
-100 points if wrong
I just waisted 30 seconds of your life
You will never get it back
-100 points
How big is uranus.
You can search it up.
It suppa huge.
-300 points
3.121 billion miĀ²
The best person in the world
Gain 500 points
There was no answer
Why does Saturn have rings around it?
Saturn was not a single lady.
What is 2+2
I will give you one chance to skip this question.
Lose all your points(including negative)
the best planet in our solar system
Gain 500 points if correct
Lose 500 points if wrong
Defend your answer.
Gain 300 points
what is 1+1
If correct ,get 300 points
What is the commonly used phrase.
Gain 300 if correct
whos fatTER
you,ur friend
you are!!!!
-100 points
Describe school in one word
If good word: gain 500 points
If bad word: gain nothing
what ur mom+ ur dad
If correct, get 400 points
what is 4523.
Quit the yap. Gahh dayum. I didn't order a yapputity yappuchino
Play this link
Ur unlucky. GET RICKROLLED!!
-500 points
Have you rickrolled somebody before??
If yes, gain 500 points
If no, gain nothing
How many people are in the us state
There is 339.4 million people in the united states if america(probably)
If correct, gain 500 points
What is a four letter word that starts with "s" and ends in "p". It sails on the water and is one letter away from a curse word.