The structures that make up the labyrinth
2 otolith organs
Rhythmic combination of these normal involuntary vestibulo-ocular movements:
Slow movement of eye from center to left (or right)
Sudden quick jerk of eye back to center
detect rotational acceleration
semicircular canals
cristae are found within the
semicircular canals
this type of acceleration is when force is applied to an object that moves in a line, like stopping in a car or falling down
Linear acceleration
detects linear acceleration
When the head turns, endolymph in duct bends the _____ – this distorts hair cells, which generates action potentials.
The fluid in the semicircular canals is called
This brain region receives input from the vestibular system and adjusts to motor movements
these bundle to become the vestibular nerve
hair cells/ cilia
the sensory apparatus throughout the utricle and the sacculus
Reflexive control of horizontal and vertical eye movement, which compensates for head movement.
vestibular-ocular reflex
when the vestibular nerve leaves the inner ear, it travels to the ______ to synapse with second order neurons
vestibular nuclear complex
Yaw, Pitch, and Roll
Projections from this brain region are sent to the cerebral cortex and are thought to provide the conscious perception of body position and acceleration
Ventroposterior (VP) Thalamus