This imaging modality utilizes sound waves to create an image.
What is ultrasound?
This imaging modality is used to study moving structures and dynamic processes such as GI studies, tracheal studies, and myelography. Contrast agents used to highlight anatomic structures.
What is fluoroscopy?
Radioactive iodine, I131 is used to treat hyperthyroidism in cats and is an example of therapeutic __________ ____________.
What is nuclear medicine?
This type of imaging is obtained by passing a thin x-ray beam transaxially through the patient and measuring the x-ray attenuation (drop off) at multiple sites in a thin slice of patient's anatomy. Veterinary patients must be heavily sedated or under general anesthesia to get thes images.
What is computed tomography?
This imaging modality used radio wave signals to produce thin slices of images of cross-sectional anatomy. It is superior to other modalities for imaging the brain and spinal cord. No radiation used.
What is magnetic resonance imaging? MRI