What is the fastest dog breed?
What cat originated in the coastal areas of the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, They were brought to England by returning soldiers.
What is used to pinch or tweeze tissue
Which bird is known for talking?
African Grey Parrot
How long do Guinea Pig usually live for?
5-7 years
What dog breed is known for the least amount of shedding?
What cat is popular all over the world and is known for being fairly healthy.
Russian Blue
What is used to secure drapes and towels during surgery Also has a ratchet, like needle holders
Backhaus Towel Clamps
what rabbit breed is the biggest
Flemish Giant Rabbit
Name the different groups of dogs.
Sporting, Non-Sporting, Terrier & Herding, Working, Toy Group, and Hound
What is the tallest dog breed?
Irish Wolfhound
What cat is this
What is used to view and examine the patient's ears
What are the 2 most aggressive snake breeds?
black mamba and the coastal taipan
What does an Endoscope do?
This instrument is used to give veterinarians a view of the patients internal parts; A camera is attached to the front of the endoscope, which allows the veterinarian to see
What dog originated in Georgia?
What cat was created by a breeder named Ann Baker in Riverside, California.
What is used to help chemically cauterize blood vessels?
Silver Nitrate sticks
what chameleon lives the longest
Parsons chameleon
What cat has a health problem called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Testing and selective breeding made this cat’s disease disappear. What cat is it?
American Shorthair
What is the smallest dog breed?
Dwarf Yorkie
What cat is Short with heavily-boned legs, a cobby body type, small ears, and strikingly large round eyes.
What is used with small animals to promote healing by preventing licking and biting of sutures or other sensitive areas?
Elizabethan Collar / Cone of Shame
What are the big rats with no hair?
Naked mole rat
What is this tool and what is it used for
Used to view the vocal cords; Often used to facilitate intubation