In the general population, this is the most important risk factor for epithelial ovarian cancer.
What is age?
Age is the most important risk factor for epithelial ovarian cancer. The incidence of ovarian cancer, in the general population, significantly increases after menopause with the median age of 63yo. >68% of ovarian cancer are diagnosed after the age of 55yo.
Most common lesion identified in uterine papillary serous carcinomas on microscopy.
What are Psammoma bodies?
ACOG recommends exclusive breastfeeding for this many months of life.
What are 6 months?
Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended until 6 months of life. After 6 months, breastfeeding may be continued as complimentary foods are introduced into the infant's diet throughout the first year of life
Breastfeeding is associated with improved outcomes for both mom and baby, including decreased maternal risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, DM, heart disease, and decreased risk of infant risk of infectious disease, SIDS, and metabolic disease.
The most likely pathologic findings after endometrial sampling a postmenopausal patient with postmenopausal bleeding.
What is atrophic endometrium?
All women with postmenopausal bleeding should have endometrial sampling in order to rule out endometrial hyperplasia or endometrial cancer. The most likely pathology finding, however, is atrophic endometrium.
The hypogastric artery is also known as this.
What is the internal iliac artery?
This type of endometrial cancer is p53 driven and is generally independent of estrogen exposure.
What are papillary serous or clear cell carcinomas?
These generally occur in older females regardless of BMI. They tend to be much more aggressive and generally have a higher grade and stage at the time of diagnosis.
Most common lesion identified in granulosa cell tumors on microscopy.
What are Call-Exner bodies?
The most effect form of emergency contraception.
(50 BONUS POINTS! How long after unprotected intercourse can this method be used?)
What is the copper IUD?
The copper IUD has been found to be very effective for up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse.
Two out of three of these criteria are required for the diagnosis of PCOS (based on Rotterdam Consensus).
What is hyperandrogenism, oligoamenorrhea/amenorrhea, and PCOS by ultrasound?
Determination of polycystic ovaries on US: either 12 or more follicles measuring 2-9mm in diameter, or increased ovarian volume (>10 cubic cm) in one or both ovaries.
This classically presents as a bulging blue-domed translucent membrane at the introitus in an adolescent with delayed menarche.
What is an imperforate hymen?
This can lead to subsequent hematocolpos and hematometra, causing significant discomfort.
The type of ovarian cancer most commonly associated with endometriosis.
What is clear cell carcinoma?
Clear cell carcinoma of the ovary is a rare entity, but when it does arise, 50% of cases arise in the setting of a history of endometriosis. These tumors tend to be aggressive and poorly differentiated.
Most common lesion identified in yolk sac tumors on microscopy.
What are Schiller-Duval bodies?
This can cause constriction of bronchioles, and it should be avoided in women with asthma.
(50 BONUS POINTS! What is the generic name?)
What is Hemabate? (Prostaglandin F2 alpha)
Infrequently prescribed for endometeriosis, this medication can lead to acne, weight gain, hirsuitism, edema, and abnormal LFTs.
What is Danazol?
This nerve arises from L2-4. Compression from deep blades of self-retaining retractors at abdominal surgery is the most common method of injury during gynecologic surgery. The nerve can be compressed against the pelvic sidewall, and injury would lead to weakness or inability to extend the knee or flex the hip.
What is the femoral nerve?
The most common karyotype is 69XXX or 69 XXY.
What is a partial hydatidiform mole?
A partial mole is formed when a 23X-containing haploid egg is fertilized by two sperm (either 23X or 23Y). This results in 69XXX or rarely 69XXY. In comparison to a complete mole, a partial mole has the presence of fetal parts. (Partial mole-get it?!)
Café au lait spots are characteristic of this.
What is neurofibromatosis Type I?
This is caused by maternal alloimmunization to fetal platelets with the most serious complication involving intracranial hemorrhage, which can also occur in utero.
What is neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia?
Bacterial vaginosis is suspected by the presence of 3 out of 4 of these criteria.
(50 BONUS POINTS! - List the 4 criteria!)
What are Amsel's criteria?
1. Homogenous grey-white discharge
2. pH >4.5
3. >20% clue cells on saline wet mount
4. Positive whiff test
This nerve arises from the sciatic nerve, and encompasses roots from L4-5,S1. Injury to this nerve in gynecologic surgery is commonly due to improper positioning of the patient in the lithotomy position. If injured, the patient can experience pain or parethesias of the lateral lower extremity and foot drop.
What is the peroneal nerve?
The most common type of uterine sarcoma.
What is carcinosarcoma?
Sarcoma is extremely uncommon and generally caries a poor prognosis. This is a high grade tumor that is often undiagnosed until it has spread outside the pelvis. Leiomyosarcoma is the second most common type of uterine sarcoma.
The Bethesda Guidelines help identify patients at risk for this syndrome.
(BONUS 50 POINTS! 10 pts each! Which genes are most commonly associated with this syndrome?)
What is Lynch Syndrome?
This measurement is part of neural tube screening which also consists of free Beta HCG and PAPPA-A serum measurements. Together, they have over a 90% detection rate for aneuploidy.
(Double bonus! 50 BONUS POINTS EACH! When is this measured and what is normal?)
What is nuchal translucency?
NT is typically measured from weeks 11-14 with a normal measurement being less than 3mm.
To be clinically diagnosed with this, a patient must exhibit a sterile urine culture when symptomatic.
What is interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome?
These appear as pedunculated, often tiny, frequently multiple cysts connected to the fimbriae of the fallopian tubes.
What are hydatid cysts of Morgagni/hydatids of Morgagni/Mogagni's cysts?