Sexual Assault
Victim Rights Act
Domestic Violence
VRA Crimes

This is a physical medical exam performed to collect evidence (such as saliva, bite marks, and bodily fluids) from your body, clothes, and other personal belongings after a sexual assault. 

What is a Forensic Nurse Exam?


The year Colorado incorporated Victim Rights into the Constitution.

What is 1992?


Domestic Violence is also known as

What is Intimate Partner Violence (IVP)?


This is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

What is Murder?


This victim centered approach identifies five guiding principles; Safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness, and empowerment

What is Trauma Informed Care/Response?


This reporting option allows a victim to obtain a SAFNE without involving law enforcement while still having access to advocacy, evidence collection and treatment. 

What is an Anonymous Report?


These are the three rights that victims have during all critical stages of the criminal justice process.

What is to be heard, informed, and present?


The document that a judge may order to provide safeguards and guidelines for the victim against the defendant. 

What is a protection order?


This is the action of abducting and moving a person from one place to another 

What is Kidnapping?


Asking the victim questions such as "may I sit with you?" or "are you comfortable talking here?" are examples of 

What is empowering a victim or giving agency?


This agency provides testing for DNA, toxicology, and substances for SAFNE or rape kits. 

What is CBI? (Colorado Bureau of Investigations)


This former President was a leader in victims rights

Who is Ronald Reagan?


This is a personalized, practical plan to improve safety while experiencing abuse, preparing to leave an abusive situation, or after a victim leaves.

What is a Safety Plan?


This is an act or threatened act of violence upon a person with whom the actor has been in an intimate relationship. 

What is Domestic Violence?


This part of the brain is known to control responses during trauma

What is the amygdala or reptilian brain?


This is defined as agreeing to an action based on knowledge of what that action involves, its likely consequences and having the option of saying no

What is consent?


The VRA affords the victim has the right to a free basic copy of this document

What is the initial police report?


This is a confidential location for victims and their children to reside while attempting to leave an abusive situation. 

What is a Safehouse?


This is the act of knowingly exposing ones genitals to the view of any person under circumstances likely to cause affront or alarm with the intent to arouse or satisfy.

What is Indecent Exposure?


This part of the brain is used for decision making and regulating thoughts and actions. 

What is the prefrontal cortex?


Children under 13 require this to obtain a SAFNE

What is parental consent?


This stage or hearing is NOT VRA in which a protection order and bond may be set. 

What is advisement?


This is the application all victims of domestic violence are encouraged to complete to access therapy, lost wages, medical expenses, and security devices needed as related to the crime. 

What is Crime Victim Compensation?


This is the act of posting or distributing an image displaying the private intimate parts of an identifiable person eighteen years of age or older or an image displaying sexual acts of an identifiable person with the intent to benefit as a result of the posting, viewing, or removal of the private image.

What is posting a private image for harassment or pecuniary gain?

Name the five types of trauma responses

What is fight, flight, freeze, fawn, and faint?