What was the main crop that Mesoamericans domesticated?
Maize, also known as corn.
True or false
Corn in spanish is Mesesaa
False, it is maiz
What does Mesoamerica mean?
The middle of America
What is a Geographical feature?
Rivers, mountains, valleys, and plateaux
True or false:
When maize became a more productive crop, did Mesoamricans rely on it for their food supply?
When is Cinco de Mayo?
5th of May
What is a nomad?
A nomad is someone who moves from place to place.
What are the large clay deposits used for pottery called?
"Barro negro"
What was the food farmers invented, that people still enjoy to this day?
When is Barro negro?
Black mud.
How did Mesoamericans travel?
They traveled in small nomadic groups.
Name three parts of a geographical feature
Mountains, rivers, and valleys.
What was Maize domestication called before it was called Maize domestication?
True or false?
Is Oaxaca a spanish name?
What helped Mesoamerica become an important cultural heart?
Maize domestication.
Where was Oaxaca located?
Southwest Mexico
Where did maize come from/ where was maize domesticated from?
Scientists believe that maize was domesticated from a wild grass called teosinte.
What was Oaxaca's Spanish name before Oaxaca?
Nueva Antequera
Where does Mesoamerica start and end?
It begins in southern Mexico and extends to the Pacific coast of Centaral America.
What's Mrs. Clines's first name?