The special power up in the super Mario bros template of Super Mario Maker
What is the mystery mushroom.
What is the first item you obtain in BOTW
What is the Shieka Slate
Pikachu’s evaluation is
What is Riachu
How many dirt blocks can a player hold in one hot bar slot.
What is 64 dirt blocks.
Super Mario Bros first came out in
What is 1983
this is the armor you collect from the link amibo
What is the twilight set
This poke ball excels at catching bug and water type Pokémon.
What is a net ball.
Minecraft 1.0 came out on this day.
What is the 17th of May 2009.
Mario’s favorite food
What is spaghetti.
This is an item that Beetle sells no matter where you are.
What are arrows.
These are the starter Pokémon of the Alolan region.
What is Litten, Popilo, and Rowlet.
Use these materials in a crafting table to make a cake.
What are, eggs, milk buckets, wheat, and sugar.
The number of different colors of Yoshi in Super Mario World
What is 4
The recipe for fruitcake in BOTW
What is, cane sugar, tabatha wheat, and two other fruits.
This is the number of eevee evaluations in the Alolan region.
What is 8
Diamonds are found between these two Y coordinations in Minecraft.
What are the coordinates y5 to y16.
This is the total number of shine sprites in Super Mario Sunshine.
What is 96 shine sprites.
This is the divine beats of the goron
What is divine beast radunia
This is the first Pokémon ash catches on his journey in the Kanto region
What is frokie
This is the limit of blocks you can be from a mob spawner, that still activates it.
What is 16 blocks from the mob spawner