this critically acclaimed title follows a guy and a girl as they survive a zombie apocalypse
the last of us
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars play football
rocket league
this blocky game for pc is one of the most popular in the world
this is the first strand type game
super mario brothers 2 babyyyy
in this game series you play as a hooded character named ezio
assassins creed
cel shaded first person shooter with rpg elements.
the first major MMORPG
World of Warcraft
the most popular game in the battle royale genre
this post-2010 series is known for being very difficult. sometimes unfair.
dark souls
a popular augmented reality mobile game.
pokemon GO!
blizzard's first person shooter
popular anime style turn based rpg series cross with a dating simulator
The name of Half Life 3.
Half Life Alyx
in this classic game you shoot up at enemies and can take cover behind destructible barricades. (hint: you shoot where theyre going to be)
space invaders
skyrim is this # of the elder scrolls series
V, 5.
Keanu Reeves was at the forefront of the advertising for this upcoming release.
Cyberpunk 2077
basically a sprite based animal crossing game with more farming simulation.
stardew valley
In this video game you evolve a creature with different body parts etc.
you fight Glass Joe as the first opponent in this classic game.
mike tysons punch out
name 2 tom clancy games
ghost recon
splinter cell
rainbow six
the division(idk it either)
explain what a tetris is in tetris.
4 in a row
the cancelled earthbound game was being developed for this system
the 2nd installment of the nintendo ghost catching series
luigis mansion dark moon.
this Legend of zelda game involves link repeating a 3 day cycle to save a town
Majora's mask
dead franchise by microsoft similar to zelda.