What is the rarest skin in Fortnite?
Renegade Raider
Whats do you need to make a crafting table?
What is the first avatar in Roblox?
What is the first cart you get in MarioCart
Half of all them
What is the first character you get in Clash of Clans?
What boss gives you the Cerberus shotgun?
What is the newest mob added to Minecraft?
What year was Roblox created
Who is the main character in Mario Cart 8
Princess Peach
How many gems does it cost to build a builder hunt?
five hundred
Who is the creator of the new season of Fortnite?
Epic Games
Who is the creator of Minecraft?
What was the first Roblox game created?
Rocket Arena
What power up can you find in Super Mario 3D world?
The Coin Catbell
What happens to the barbarian when you travel across the ocean?
He gets raged
How many peely variations are there in Fortnite?
How do you make a snow golem?
Two snow blocks and a pumpkin
How many devices can Roblox be downloaded on?
When you complete the first Mario game created who do you save?
How many bombs does it take to kill a wall breaker?
What is the second rarest skin in Fortnite?
World Warrior Skin
What is the most powerful mob in Minecraft?
The wither
Who is the creator of Roblox?
Epic Games
Who is the second main character in Mario Cart 8
Mario :)