Gaming Memes
Corporation Games
Genres, New and Old
Pokemon Trivia

Referring to a false promise, "The Cake is a Lie" became a famous phrase that sprang from this game.

What is Portal?


This Company's "Infinity" allows you to play as characters from "The Incredibles" and "Cars" to name a few.

What is Disney?


Two games from this series were compared in an episode of Sequelitis. It features a whip-wielding vampire hunter in a spooky castle.

What is Castlevania?


Fortnite and PUBG are considered to be part of this genre, where the winner is the last player or last team standing.

What is Battle Royale?


In the franchise's 20th anniversary year in 2016, this in-the-real-world mobile game was first released.

What is Pokemon Go?


Keanu Reeves replied, "You're breathtaking! You're all breathtaking!" to a fan in the crowd at E3 2019 during a presentation for this game. 

What is Cyberpunk 2077?


This video game corporation was once voted "The most evil company in America". r/StarWarsBattlefront would definitely agree. 

What is EA?


This kickstarter-funded spiritual successor to a popular jumpin' and shootin' Capcom series was released in 2016, and left fans feeling massively disappointed.

What is Mighty Number 9?


This genre freatures gameplay primarily centered around jumping and maneuvering around the character's environment while avoiding obstacles. Like Celeste or Mario. 

What is a Platform Game? (or Platformer)


The first pokemon animated series featured Ash Ketchum and Pikachu travelling alongside these two characters, who were gym leaders in the original game. 

Who are Misty and Brock?


This game inspired the song, "No Mercy", which in turn inspired a TikTok Duet video fad where people lip synced over a part of the song about a player trying to pick a character. 

What is Overwatch?


This building block toy company has produced many video games made in their signature style, featuring franchises like Star Wars, Batman, and Harry Potter.

What is Lego?


This game was the fifth installment in the Elder Scrolls series, starring the player as the "Laat Dovahkiin"

What is Skyrim?


The first game in this so-called new genre of gaming was released on November 8th, 2019 "by incorporating the concept of connection". Dunkey didn't like it that much though.

What is a Strand Type game?


This evolutionary stone can be used to evolve your Clefairy into a Clefable.

What is a Moon Stone?


In 2017, "Games journalist" Dean Takahashi struggled to complete the tutorial of this 2D run and gun action game at Gamescom, leading to internet-wide ridicule. 

What is Cuphead?


This corporation bought Rare Limited of Banjo-Kazooie fame in 2002, eventually assigning the studio to work on projects like "Kinect Sports" after a string of failed games.

What is Microsoft?


This installment in the Legend of Zelda series was the first game in the franchise that featured 3D graphics.

What is Ocarina of Time?


LucasArts often developed this genre of game, where rather than navigating using a keyboard, the player must use nothing but their mouse and some logic to find and assemble clues scattered around the game's world. 

What is Point-and-Click?


Pikachu has shown up as a 50' balloon amongst other children's characters in this annual New York parade.

What is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?


This poorly translated English phrase from the opening cutscene of 1989 arcade game Zero Wing was a popular meme in the 2000s. A proper translation might be "we have taken over all of your bases."

What is "All your base are belong to us"?


The SNES CD-ROM System was an unreleased peripheral for the SNES developed in partnership by Nintendo and this company, who then used the technology to create their own console. 

What is Sony?


Players fight Dominus Gaul, leader of the Red Legion, in the sequel to this Bungie game. According to a redditor, the sequel, "dropped the ball on pvp, heroic strikes and lack of strike loot"

What is Destiny?


This subgenre of platformer, named after its two first well-known franchises, features a large interconnected map with restricted areas which force you to backtrack to acquire special tools or abilities first. 

What is Metroidvania?


Gyrados is known to be a strong pokemon, but it is 4 times weak against this type of move.

What is Electric?