All electric moves redirect to whoever has this trait
Electric Custodian
This tem is the face of the club
Hopefully you have this gear when you're stuck in the rain
This city is home to Crema HQ
This is the only type that is weak to one type and effective vs one other
I'm taking you down with me. This trait deals 30% max health damage to the tem's killer.
Fainted Curse
This tem can change its type during a battle
You'll want to equip this gear before heading out to the beach
All tamers start their adventure in this town
Finish this phrase:
Temtem ___!
Temtem Up
(Plz say what is up)
This trait swaps your type effectiveness when attacking other tems
Pigment Inverter
This tem is the face of the :riot: emote, no cheating
Stuck in Saipark all day?
Tired? No Lumas?
Drink this for a second wind!
Energy Drink
Tamers lose their crystal skates after crash landing on this island
This Vidiot has a luma anahir named grape.
(If this is you, act like you don't know)
You've got a friend in me.
This trait reduces the damage you take by half if you and your ally are from the same evolutionary line.
This hooded tem is also know as the first lady, at least by me anyways
Got a screw loose? Please don't use this gear on your head.
These denizan caves are home to the very rarely seen Oceara
Aquamarina Caves
The Village Idiots won their first dojo war on this island
When your ally is knocked out and you benefit from it, sounds wrong if you ask me.
Gain a SPD & SPATK buff on allies' death.
Daily Double
This tem was the most recent one to get a type change
In the medieval days, knights wore this gear to protect themselves. It seemed to melt vs fire tems, though.
Heavy Armor
This Omninesian islet contains the Anak Volcano
Ulterior Omninesia
This Vidiot was one of the original founders of the club.
(Current Member)
(If this is you, act like you don't know)