Who was the leader of North Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh
Who helped support South Vietnam?
The U.S.
When did the Vietnam war end?
What was Agent Orange
A herbicide
What was the name of the colony formed by Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia under French control?
What kind of party was North Vietnam?
What were North Vietnam's guerrilla's fighters called
Viet Cong
At what parallel was North and South Vietnam split?
17th parallel
How was Agent Orange administered
Sprayed from planes
Vietnam wanted to be independent, out from what country's rule?
What was the North Vietnamese goal?
To unite North and South Vietnam as one communist country.
What was the capital city of South Vietnam?
Who became president after John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
Lyndon B. Johnson
What is dioxin, and how did it end up in Agent Orange?
It is a byproduct created from the manufacturing of herbicides
What was America's motivation in getting involved in the Vietnam war?
To stop the spread of communism
What is the domino theory?
The belief that if Vietnam became communist, other Southeast Asian countries would also become communist.
Why did many Vietnamese immigrate to America during and after the war?
They were trying to escape the violence, communism, or the North Vietnamese.
What were the tactics that the Viet Cong used in warfare
booby traps,
What health problems is Agent Orange is known to cause humans?
miscarriages, spina bifida and other problems with fetal brain, darkening of the skin, liver problems, cancer, skill problems
What event led to the U.S. using military force in Vietnam?
The firing of torpedoes on an American ship in the Gulf of Tonkin.
What was the terrain like in Vietnam?
Much of the land was covered with jungles and rice paddies
Why was Ngo Dinh Diem such an unpopular leader?
Due to the corruption of his government and his persecution of Buddhists.
What route did the Viet Cong take into South Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh trail
In 1991, President George H.W. Bush signed into law the Agent Orange Act that did what?
mandated that some diseases associated with Agent Orange and other herbicides be treated as the result of wartime service
How did the Vietnam War end?
The U.S. withdrew its troops and the North Vietnamese invaded the South.