Significant Dates
Nixon moves to end war
Turmoil at Home
USA pulls out

What happened on april 30th?

The North Vietnamese captured Saigon, South Vietnams capital, and united Vietnam under Communist rule. 


What was the policy created by Kissinger?

 Linkage, which meant improving relations with the soviet union and china- suppliers of aid to North Vietnam- so that he could persuade them to cut back on their aid.


What did individual groups during the war get attention for

 Most American soldiers acted responsibly and honorably during the war. The actions of a small group (killed unarmed south Vietnamese civilians), however, convinced many people the war was brutal and senseless. Jan Barry, a founder of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, viewed My Lai as a symbol of the dilemma his generation faced in the conflict.


What did Kissinger announce from his secret talks?

Kissinger emerged from his secret talks and announced that "peace is at hand" 

What was expressed significantly in 1971 and 1972?

In 1972 the polls had shown that nearly 2/3 of the USA wanted the Vietnam war over as soon as possible.


Who did Nixon appoint as a special assistant for national security affairs. 

Harvard professor Henry Kissinger, 

About: Henry Alfred Kissinger was an American diplomat and political scientist who served as the United States secretary of state from 1973 to 1977 and national security advisor from 1969 to 1975, in the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.


What happened in Cambodia?

Americans heard more startling news when Nixon announced in April 1970 that American troops had invaded cambodia. The troops were ordered to destroy Vietcong military bases there. 

What did they agree upon in the peace treaty?

The United States promised to withdraw troops, and both sided agreed to exchange prisoners of the war. The parties did not resolve South Vietnams future. 


What major event began 1969?

(hint Massacare)

The Massacare at Mai Lai began in late 1969 Americans learned that, in the spring of 1968, an American platoon under command of Lieutenant William Calley had massacred unarmed South Vietnamese civilians in the hamlet of My Lai. Most of the victims were old men, women, and children.


What was Vietnamization?

Nixon reduced the number of the american troops in vietnam, Known As Vietnamization, this process involved the gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops while the south vietnamese involved the gradual withdrawal of 25,000 soldiers, but he was determined to keep a strong american presence in Vietnam.


How did the US feel during the wars ends. 

Even though the United States had begun scaling back its involvement in Vietnam, the American home front remained divided and volatile as Nixon's war policies stirred up new waves of protest.


What roadblock did Kissinger face in regards of the peace treaty?

South Vietnam's president, Nguyen Van Thieu refused to agree with any plan that left North Vietnamese troops in the south. Henry Kissinger tried to win additional concessions from the communists but talks broke off on December 16 1972.


On June 8, 1969 what significant action was announced?

Nixon announced the withdrawl of 25,000 soldires, Nixon determined to keep strong American presence in vietnam to ensure barganning rights in the end of the war. 


What did Le Duc Tho and Kissinger argue over? 

le Duc Tho argued over a possible cease fire, the return of american prisoners of war, and the ultimate fate of south vietnam.


What did the conflict in Cambodia cause in Congress?

the invasion of Cambodia cost Nixon significant congressional support. Numerous legislators expressed outrage over the president's failure to notify them of the action. In December 1970 an angry Congress repealed the gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which had given the president nearly complete power in directing the war in vietnam.


What did Nixon Announce in 1972

In April 1972 President Nixon dropped his longtime insistence that North Vietnamese troops had to withdraw from South Vietnam before any peace treaty could be signed. Weeks after the election the peace negotiations were broken down.


What was significant on the date January 27, 1973?

After the chrismas bombings the warring sides signed an agreement "ending the war and restoring the peace in Vietnam."
Who did Kissinger meet with frequently and what was discussed?

Kissinger also rekindled peace talks with the North Vietnamese. In august 1969 Kissinger entered into secret negotiations with north vietnamese negotiator, Le Duc Tho, in their talks, which dragged on for four years kissinger and le Duc Tho argued over a possible cease fire, the return of american prisoners of war, and the ultimate fate of south vietnam.


What sparked due to invasion of Cambodia

Many viewed the Cambodian invasion as Widening of the war, and it set off many protests. At Kent State University on May 4, 1970, Ohio National Guard soldiers, armed with tear gas and rifles, fired on demonstrators without an order to do so. The soldiers killed four students. Ten days after police killed two African American students during a demonstration at Jackson State College in Mississippi.


What action did the USA take to speed up the process of a Peace treaty?

The next day, to force North Vietnam to resume negotiations the Nixon administration began the most destructive air raids of the entire war. In what became christmas bombings american B-52s dropped thousands of tons of bombs on north vietnamese targets for 11 days pausing only on christmas day.