Case Vignettes
Diagnosis Vignettes
Ethics Vignettes
Test Vignettes
Theory Vignettes

Gio believes that he is attacking someone who broke into his house, but instead attacks his neighbor. What case would you use when discussing his defense? 

What is M'Naughten? 


This individual exhibits peculiar behaviors and beliefs, often expressing unusual ideas about the world that others find strange. They might claim to have magical thinking or a special connection with the universe and frequently engage in eccentric dress or mannerisms. While they may desire social interactions, their odd speech patterns and tendency to interpret neutral events as having personal significance often lead to social discomfort and isolation.

What is Schizotypal Personality Disorder?


A psychologist was a victim of child abuse while growing up. She is now the therapist for a couple and their child. The child informs the therapist that she is being abused. What ethical considerations are important here?

1) Personal problems and conflicts (2.06) 2) Therapy Involving Couples or Families (10.2)


A 36-year-old woman is being evaluated after several incidents of road rage, where she has aggressively confronted other drivers for minor infractions. She often expresses feelings of frustration and irritability in daily life, frequently reacting with anger to situations that others perceive as trivial. Despite her outward aggression, she reports feeling overwhelmed and anxious about her inability to control her temper, leading to feelings of sadness and despair. What test would you use, and what scales would likely be significant?

What is MMPI-3. High scores on the Aggressiveness (AGGR) and Negative Emotionality/Neuroticism (NEGE). These scales would be critical for understanding her emotional struggles and the factors driving her road rage incidents, which can inform potential therapeutic interventions focused on anger management and emotional regulation.

Jeff just moved to college and is struggling to find friends like he did back home. He decides to kidnap women and hold them in his apartment where he lives alone. What theory could explain his behavior. 

What is Social Control Theory?


Emily is on trial for the murder of her child. Emily was found CTST; however, during the trial, she attempts to escape jail, begins muttering to herself in the cell, and refuses to speak to her lawyer. What case is relevant here?

What is the case of Drope v. Missouri?


Spencer believes he is rich and powerful, even though he is broke and homeless. He believes that Nancy Pelosi is in love with him and is sending him personal messages through the paper. What diagnosis would you give him, specifically?  

What is a delusional disorder with mixed delusions of grandiose and erotomania? 


Garcia is a psychologist at a law firm. The lawyer on a case wants Garcia to conduct a test and find the individual in competent to stand trial. What ethical consideration is important here? 

Standard 1.03, Conflicts Between Ethics and Organizational Demands?


A 28-year-old woman is being evaluated after she was involved in a series of aggressive altercations during social gatherings. She describes feeling misunderstood and often believes others are judging her, which leads her to lash out defensively. While she presents herself as outgoing and confident, she frequently isolates herself after these incidents, feeling overwhelmed by her emotions and social interactions. What test would you use, and what scales would likely be significant?

MMPI-3. High scores on the Introversion/Low Positive Emotionality (INTR) and Negative Emotionality/Neuroticism (NEGE) scale


A single mother faces financial hardship and struggles to provide for her children. Feeling desperate and overwhelmed, she resorts to shoplifting food and household items. What theory explains her behavior?

What is Merton's Strain Theory?


Grace robbed 7 stores with a gun, telling everyone that she is doing it to give as an offering to someone who is in love with her, Moskowitz. When talking to her lawyers, Grace doesn't understand why she is in jail and refuses to talk to the lawyers because she doesn't understand her charges. What case is relevant here? 

What is the case of Dusky v. United States and Delusional disorder


This individual was found guilty of embezzlement after diverting company funds to support a lavish lifestyle and maintain an image of success. They exhibit a pattern of seeking admiration and exploiting others for personal gain. Despite being aware of the legal ramifications, they rationalize their actions as a means to achieve the high standards they set for themselves, showing little regard for the impact on colleagues or the company

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?


A psychologist has a scribe at her private practice. The psychologist wants to leave early for a long weekend, but has an assessment to conduct on a client. The psychologist asks the front desk agent to conduct the test since she has seen the psychologist conduct so many. What guideline does this violate? 

Standard 9.07, Assessment by Unqualified Persons  


A 50-year-old male is being assessed following a series of violent outbursts at work, where he was previously regarded as a high-achieving employee. He describes feeling increasingly irritable and frustrated, often reacting aggressively to perceived slights from colleagues. He has a history of difficulty managing anger and has been in and out of relationships, often ending them due to conflicts. He expresses a belief that he has been wronged by those around him and tends to externalize blame. What test would you use, and what scales would likely be significant?

What is the MMPI-3. High scores on the Aggressiveness (AGGR), Negative Emotionality/Neuroticism (NEGE), Disconstraint (DISC). These findings would be crucial in understanding the underlying psychological issues that may contribute to his aggressive behavior and in formulating an intervention plan.


An employee experiences continuous bullying from his boss at work and feels trapped in a toxic environment. After a while, Greg goes home and hits his wife after she forgot to save him dinner. What theory may explain his behavior? 

What is Displaced Aggression?


A defendant with a history of depression and impulsive behavior is charged with homicide. He claims that he felt an overwhelming urge to act during the incident, arguing that his mental illness prevented him from controlling his actions, despite knowing the act was wrong.

What is the case of United States v. Brawner?


This individual often seeks attention and approval from others through exaggerated emotional expressions and theatrical behavior. They may frequently change their appearance to draw attention, wear provocative clothing, and engage in flirtatious interactions, even in inappropriate contexts. While they appear charming and lively, their relationships tend to be superficial, as they often struggle to maintain deeper connections and may become easily upset when they feel ignored or unappreciated, resulting in dramatic displays of emotion to regain focus from those around them.

What is Histrionic Personality Disorder?


Amy is a psychologist talking to their friend, Mary about how they had their scribe conduct an MMPI-3 assessment on a client so she could leave early one day. What ethical consideration is especially important here for Amy? 

Standard 1.05, Reporting Ethical Violations?


A 39-year-old man is undergoing evaluation after a recent arrest for domestic violence. During the assessment, he reports that he often feels overwhelmed by stress and has difficulty focusing on tasks at work and home. He displays poor problem-solving skills and often reacts impulsively in heated situations. He describes himself as feeling intellectually superior to others, but his performance at work suggests otherwise. What test would you use, and what scales would likely be significant?

WAIS to assess his cognitive abilities and functioning. Low scores on the Working Memory Index (WMI), Processing Speed Index (PSI) and Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)


Ethan is a 22-year-old man who has always struggled to form stable relationships and now assaults women because he cannot form romantic relationships. Growing up, his father would shower him with affection one moment and then become verbally abusive the next. What theory explains his behavior?

What is Attachment Theory, Disorganized attachment?


A woman is accused of killing her children and is found in a state of distress, claiming that she believed she was saving them from a terrible fate because she thought they would fly when she pushed them off the building. What case would be especially relevant here?

What is the case of M’Naghten?


A 40-year-old female presents with persistent flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety after surviving a car accident six months ago. She avoids driving and any reminders of the incident.

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?


Derek is a psychologist who conducts a very traumatic research project on a group of students in his class, requiring them all to participate in the study if they want to pass. Derek tells none of them what the study is. What ethical violations has he Derek committed? 

1) Debriefing (8.08) 2) Informed consent to research (8.02)


A 23-year-old male being evaluated for competency has difficulty in sustaining attention and processing information quickly, impacting his ability to follow court proceedings? What test would you use and what would be significant about it?

What is a WAIS, showing significantly low Processing Speed and Working Memory scores.


Becky got broken up with and now likes to steal things from every man's apartment that she goes to because she doesn't think they deserve nice things. What theory might explain this?

What is General Strain Theory?