Viking Pride
Learning by Doing
Moving Forward
Passion & Persistance
Improving Results
A collaboration of teachers, administrators, parents, and students, who work together to seek out best practices, test them in the classroom, continuously improve processes, and focus on results.
What is "Professional Learning Community or PLC?"
Focus on Learning; Collaboration and Results
What are the "Three Big Ideas" of PLC?
In this setting....if the teacher pushes on with new concepts, the struggling students will fall farther behind
What is "Traditional Schools Practices?"
they should lead from the center rather than the top
What is the "Principal?"
realistic, credible, attractive future for an organization
What is the campus "Vision?"
intended to inspire, to capture the imagination of people within the organization, to stimulate creativity and innovation, and to serve as a unifying focal point of effort
What are "Stretch Goals?"
Considered the engine of a Professional Learning Community.
What are "Collaborative Teams?"
Content actually delivered by teachers in the classroom.
What is "Implemented Curriculum?"
A focus on outcomes rather than inputs or intentions; hungry for evidence that their efforts are producing the intended outcomes.
What is "Results /Data Orientation?"
Strategic & Specific, Measurable, Attainable Results-oriented, and Timebound
What are "SMART Goals?"
quickly identifies students who need additional time and support; provides students with help as soon as they experience difficulty; students receive additional assistance until they have mastered the necessary concepts
What is the "Systematic, Timely, and Directive Intervention Program?"
Perceived as achievable by those who set them.
What are "Attainable goals?"
working interdependently to achieve a common goal
What is a "Team?"
end results when the shift in the traditional leadership role moves from leader-centered (top-down) to shared leadership
What is a "Successful PLC?"
The fundamental purpose of an organization
What is a "Mission?"
designed to provide a final measure to determine if learning goals have been met
What is a "Summative assessment?"
Learning that uses the same instrument or a common process utilizing the same criteria for determining the quality of student work.
What is a "Common assessment?"
an abundance of data that do nothing to inform practice because they are not presented in context through the use of relevant comparisons
What is the "DRIP Syndrome?"
A systematic schoolwide plan that ensures every student in every course or grade level will receive additional time and support for learning as soon as he or she experiences difficulty in acquiring essential knowledge and skills
What is a "Pyramid of interventions?"
collective commitments developed by each team to guide members in working together
What are "Team Norms?"
a key sturcture and processe that must be in place for PLC's to be effective.
What are "Common Planning Periods?"
Content actually learned by students.
What is "Attained Curriculum?"
The disconnect between knowledge and action
What is the "Knowing-Doing Gap?"
sharing diverse ideas and making compromises so that all people are satisfied with the direction in which the school is moving
What is "Top-down and Bottom-up process?"
One Hundred Years from now It will not matter what kind of car I drove, What kind of house I lived in, how much money was in my bank account nor what my clothes looked like. But the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child.
What is each and every one of you!