Fill in the blank
Multiple Choice
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

The money paid to release someone being held captive is



Why did the Vikings carve a serpent’s head on the bow of the longship?

a. The serpent was used to frighten enemies.

    b. The shape of the serpent helped the longship to sail quickly.

    c. The Vikings believed that serpents would protect them from evil spirits.

    d. The Vikings believed their people came from serpents, so they honor it on the ship. 


What was a berserker?

A berserker was a particular type of Viking warrior who did not use armor for protection when going into battle. They only wore bearskin shirt and screamed wildly to scare the enemy.


Why did the Vikings need excelent ships?

Their land was mostly water and islands which.


  1. A _______________________ is a Viking chief.



Viking farms were often nestled between ______.

a. fjords and mountains

    b. deserts and sand dunes

    c. two large plains

    d. two large cities


What English word comes from Berserker, and what does it mean?

Means to behave wildly. It describes the way berserkers acted


Why did many Viking families move away from their homeland?

Many Viking families moved away from their homeland to find good land to farm because there was not enough in their homeland.


A ___________________________ creates iron tools by hand.



The Vikings navigated on their long journeys by using

a. detailed maps

    b. a compass

    c. their voices

    d. the sun and stars


How did the Vikings treat the people they conquered?

They stole their treasure and captured prisoners.


How did the Vikings navigate?

They looked at the sun and stars, or they followed birds because they flew toward land.

  1. To go on a raid and plunder villages means to go __________________________________. 



Why did the Vikings take birds to sea?

a. to keep the birds as pets

    b. to keep the birds from harm

    c. to eat the birds

    d. to help them find their direction when they were lost


What kind of mixed cargo did the Vikings bring back with them? List 4

Silver coins, Candlesticks, goblets, jewelry, silk, glass, wine, prisoners.


Why did Vikings carve serpent-like creature on the longship’s prow?

The serpent was meant to scare enemies of the Vikings.


A thousand years ago, skilled shipbuilders and sailors known as the Vikings lived in Northwest Europe, which is now known as ______________________________, a region made up of these three countries: __________________________, _________________________, and _________________________.


Denmark, Sweden, Norway


 Which of the following was not part of the cargo Vikings brought home after a raid or trade?

a. jewelry 

    b. goblets

    c. tea leaves

    d. captives


How did the Vikings get the riches and how did they bring them back to their homeland?

They got their riches through trading and raiding. They brought the riches back on their longships


Why were ships so important to the Viking way of life?

Ships were the main form of transportation. They allowed the Vikings to go on trading and raiding expeditions, and to explore and settle in new lands.