The Vikings have been to______ many Superbowls
The great announcer of the Vikings Kfan network
Paul Alan
the QB who recently left the Vikings and played for Micigan state before entering the NFL
Kirk Counsins
The US bank stadium which was built in....
This is the Vikings chant to hype up the player for a big play
This season started Off whith a blast and the Vikings Got a new title for this crazy comeback
The Vikings appeared in ______ amount of Superbowls in the 1970's
The name of the mascot of the Vikings
Victor the viking
the stadium which is shaped like a...
The Vikings have been in the playoffs _____amount of times
Does anyone know how to spell it? this game tradition involves celebrities and well known Vikings stars.
The Gjallarhorn
this was the first time the newly added NFL minasota Vikings debuted
when the team joined the league the coach named..
Norm Van Brocklin
The colors of the Vikings logo is similar with this collage
the NFl chose to be the viking since many people had roots from _____which was associated whith the Vikings