What are the forms of the verb BE in Present Simple?
What pronouns do we use with them?
he, she, it IS
we, you, they ARE
Sara, did you write this poem ____?
butter someone up
Влюбиться в (кого-то/что-то)
Fall in love with (someone/something)
любое напряжение покидает ваше тело
What are the forms of the verb BE in Past Simple?
What pronouns do we use with them?
I, he, she, it WAS
we, you, they WERE
My computer often crashes and turns off by ___.
Оказаться в затруднительном положении
(be) in a pickle
Break up / Split up
Примите удобное сидячее положение.
Take a comfortable seat.
What are the two meanings we use the verb BE in Present and Past Simple? Give me two examples.
Быть (являться) + Находиться.
I am Viktor.
I am at home.
I was an Ozon programmer.
I was in Russia about a month ago.
He made this dish ____.
Иметь много дел, когда все навалилось разом
have a lot on someone’s plate
Встречаться с кем-то
Be seeing/ Be dating (someone)
вытяните позвоночник
lengthen your spine
He (not / be) cold. (Present)
He ISN'T cold.
They're taking photos of ____.
Вести себя осторожно, быть аккуратным
walk on eggshells
Любовь с первого взгляда
Love at first sight
расслабьте (сделайте мягче) плечи
soften your shoulders
how often (BE) you in London? (Past)
How often WERE you in London?
We're going to hurt_____ if we're not careful.
have a bun in the oven
Изменить кому-то / Обмануть кого-то
Betray someone / Cheat on someone
позвольте векам закрыться
allow (let) your eyelids to close