Breakfast of Champions
Good Dog
Famous Pairs
Book of Genesis
First Ladies
Under the Sea
Signs of Summer
$100 Ideas
You Know the Old Saying

Whether scrambled or served over easy, these delicious breakfast staples are known to be incredible and edible.

What are eggs?


This fictional dog has been featured in books, radio, television, and film. She has a star on the Hollywood walk of fame. 

Who is Lassie?


These common seasonings can be found on most tables in America. 

What are salt and pepper?


The first man and woman that God created.

Who are Adam and Eve?


An American icon, diplomat, and activist in her own right, this First Lady served during the Great Depression and World War II. 

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?


These intelligent mammals live in the sea. They can be taught to perform, and many people vacation where they can swim with them. 

What is a dolphin?


These booming lights are visible for miles on the 4th of July.

What are fireworks?


Benjamin Franklin invented this type of eyewear when he found himself both near and far sighted in his old age. 

What are Bifocal Glasses?


One of these a day is said to keep the doctor away. 

What is an apple?


This pork product is often served with eggs or as a key ingredient on a BLT.

What is bacon?


Charlie Brown's dog, this beagle is famous for sleeping on his doghouse and pretending to fight in WWI as the Flying Ace. 

Who is Snoopy?


This sandwich duo is common in student lunches due to the lack of refrigeration required and the cheap price of the ingredients. 

What is Peanut Butter and Jelly?


This man and his family built an Arc as ordered by God, allowing them and the animals in their care to survive a global flood.

Who is Noah?


Wife of America's first President, this First Lady is famous for visiting the soldiers of the American Revolution and hosting sewing circles to help keep the troops outfitted. 

Who is Martha Washington?


These sea creatures can live to be upwards of 100 years old.

What are sea turtles?


This type of meal involves packing up food and cutlery to eat in the great outdoors. 

What is a picnic?


Benjamin Franklin invented this tool to prevent fire during storms, saving countless lives. 

What is a Lightening Rod?


When someone seeks attention by lying, they are said to be crying this.

What is "Wolf?"


 Also called flap jacks, this breakfast food can come in a variety of shapes and are often eaten with butter and maple syrup.

What are pancakes?


Micky Mouse's dog. Don't get confused with Micky's dog friend, Goofy! 

Who is Pluto?


This style of music was invented by African American artists like Chuck Berry and Little Richard in the 50's. 

What is Rock and Roll?


Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers in this country.

What is Egypt?


This First Lady is most well known for overseeing restorations to the White House, her diplomacy during the cold war, and for her sense of fashion and poise. She was with her husband when he was assassinated in 1963.

Who is Jackie Kennedy?


These unique creatures can regenerate limbs if injured.

What is a star fish/sea star?


These insects glow in the darkness and are often captured by children to be placed in jars. 

What are fireflies/lightening bugs?


Far more efficient than a fireplace, this invention was used to heat houses and cook.

What is a Franklin stove/wood burning stove?


People with a hidden advantage are said to have this card up their sleeve.

What is an Ace? 


A standard breakfast drink, common brands include Tropicana, Minute Maid, and Florida Natural.

What is orange juice?


Many con-artists would have gotten away with their crimes if not for some meddling kids and this talking dog. 

Who is Scooby-Dooby-Doo?


Served as an entree or as an appetizer, restaurants like the Olive Garden offer this duo in an unlimited supply. 


What is Soup and Salad?


The Patriarch of the Jewish faith, this man and his wife Sarah had their first child when he was 100 years old and she was 90. He was later tested by God when He asked this man to sacrifice his son.

Who is Abraham?


Wife of an actor-turned-President, she is well remembered for her "Just Say No" campaign in the War on Drugs during the 1980s. 

Who is Nancy Reagan?


These apex predators are feared by many, but are less likely to kill humans than cows or vending machines.

What is a shark?


This summer treat is comprised of toasted marshmallow, chocolate, and graham crackers. 

What are smores?


Benjamin Franklin used this invention to grab books from high shelves in his library. 

What is a grabber or long arm?


When someone has to accept negative consequences, it is said they must face this.

What is "The music?"


A southern staple, this dish was invented in the aftermath of the American Revolutionary War to compensate for supply shortages. A good use of flour, sausage drippings, and black pepper.

What are biscuits and gravy?


Dorothy Gale's pet dog, this little terrier followed her out of Kansas and into the land of Oz.


Who is Toto?


Hunters and warriors have trained in the use of these tools for thousands of years. Modern people skilled in using these items are called archers.

What are Bow and Arrows?


When humans began to build this structure, God divided them and made them speak different languages so that they could not understand one another.

What is the Tower of Babel?


Despite being born into a slave-owning Kentucky family before moving to Illinois, she married the President who is famous for writing the Emancipation Proclamation and leading the Union during the Civil War. 


Who is Mary Todd Lincoln?


These underwater ecosystems provide much needed shelter for many marine animals. The largest in the world is off the coast of Australia. 

What is a coral reef?


During these events, people gather for the purpose of eating frozen sweets and visiting with neighbors and friends. 

What is an Ice Cream Social?


Ben Franklin was posthumously admitted into the Swimming and Diving Hall of Fame for his invention of this device, which can be placed on the hands or feet to allow people to swim more quickly. 

What are swim fins/flippers?


In Economics 101 you are likely to learn that there ain't no such thing as this. The entire phrase is often shortened to "TANSTAAFL."

What is "A free lunch?"


Originally a staple of American Jewish cuisine in New York City, this is now a common portable breakfast across the country. Boiled bread with a hole in the center smothered in a sweet topping.

What is a bagel and cream cheese?

This film star was originally rescued off a battlefield in WWI and helped popularize German Shepherds.

Who is Rin-Tin-Tin?


A local business ran by a married couple is often referred to as being this kind of establishment, referencing the business as their baby.

What is Mom and Pop?


God ordered Abraham to sacrifice this son upon an altar before stopping him at the last minute and providing a ram in his son's stead.

Who is Isaac?


Alongside Barbara Bush, this woman is the only First Lady to be wife to one President and mother to another.

Who is Abigail Adams?


A popular fish to hunt for sport, they are found widely in tropical and temperate parts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

What is a sword fish?


Many children sell this citrussy drink in homemade stands during the warmer months. 


What is Lemonade?


Now commonly used for satire or political commentary, Ben Franklin was the first American to use one of these illustrations to express an opinion on current events.


What is a political cartoon?


When you barely accomplish something, it is said you did it by the skin of your what? 

What are "Teeth?"


This southern breakfast staple is a porridge made from boiled cornmeal.

What are grits?


This dog talked with a Southern accent and won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Programming in 1960. His namesake is a character created by Mark Twain.

Who is Huckleberry Hound?


It is often said that nothing in this world is certain, save these two things.

What are death and taxes?


This was the son born to Adam and Eve after Cain killed Abel.

Who is Seth?


Harriet Lane holds the honor of being the only First Lady who was not married to a President of the United States. She was the niece of this bachelor President. 

Who is James Buchanan?


These fish raise their families inside sea anemone.

What is a clown fish?


First created by President Teddy Roosevelt, many Americans travel to one of these during the summer to view the sights and unwind in the great outdoors.

What is a National Park?


When faced with a difficult decision, Benjamin Franklin would compose a list of all potential good and bad points to consider. Many people today follow his lead and make this type of list while making choices. 

What is a Pro/Con List?


When someone stops trying as hard because of past achievements, they are said to be resting on this. 

What is "their laurels?" (Laurels accepted)