I’m about to say it...
... I don’t care that you broke your elbow.
Do you know...
...de wae
Viner that turned into a Youtuber. Name starts with a G.
Gabbie Hanna
Pretend to be the dog who takes a sh!t in the beach
I’m sorry I made u do that..
You’re disrespecting a...
...A future US army soldier
Get your Del Taco
They got a new thing called.. Fresha... Freshavocado... FRESHAVOCADO
This viner is now a gay youtuber and he quit Roblox
Recreate the “if you’re name is *idk his name* and you’re really handsome” vine
You’re not handsome but you get the points..
How much was that taco?
Yo you know this boy got his free tacooooo *falls*
Who jumps out of a building?
Hint: “Oh my God he’s falling. Oh my God he’s dead!”
My name is__________ and I’m your free style dance teacher
Renacha Vlitz
Recreate the birthday vine.
*how do you remember all those words*
How do you know what’s...
Fvck your...
Chicken strips
I don’t need no degree...
... to be a clothing hanger.
Recreate the “yo you know your boy got his free taco” vine
*you looked like an idiot*
What do you have?
“A knife!”
Back at it again at...
...Krispy Kremes
Who stared the don’t judge me challenge?
Gabbie Hanna
Grab a friend and recreate the “Can I get a waffle” vine.