She is the mother of John the Baptist.
Who is Elizabeth?
Israel's first king.
Who is Saul?
This priest helped guide the prophet Samuel when he was young, but sinned by allowing his two sons, Hophni and Phineas to commit evil without consequence.
Who was Eli?
This hero of faith hid Israel's spies at risk of her own life because she believed the God of Israel would give them victory over Jericho.
Who is Rahab?
This strong man had a weakness for Philistine women.
Who was Samson?
This woman, referred to by Paul as a Deacon, was Paul's letter bearer to the Romans, meaning she was the person chosen by Paul to read the epistle out loud to the people in Rome and to answer their questions as Paul's representative.
Who is Phoebe?
This famous giant slayer became Israel's second king.
Who is David?
This brother of Moses became the first high priest in israel?
Who was Aaron?
By faith, this hero was taken from this life so that he did not experience death. He was simply, taken away by God.
Who is Enoch?
This left handed judge ended 18 years of Moabite oppression.
After hearing him teach in the synogogue, this woman and her husband were said to have taught the young teacher Apollos in private, teaching him the way of God more accurately.
Who is Priscilla?
King Jeroboam's name eventually became synonomous with what sin?
what is idolatry?
This priest drove a spear through a man who was flaunting his sin in front of Moses and all the people, and turned away God's wrath from Israel.
Who was Phinehas?
By faith, this leader's parents hid him for three onths after he was born, "because they saw he was no ordinary child."
Who was Moses?
God helped this judge defeat Midion with only 300 men. Someone should make a movie about it.
Who was Gideon?
Eli thought this mother of Samuel was drunk before he realized she had been weeping and praying earnestly for a child.
Who is Hannah?
This king is notorious for ordering the murder of every 1st born male in Israel under 2 years old.
Who was Herod the Great?
This father of John the Baptist was burning incense in the temple when the angel Gabriel appeared to him.
Who is Zechariah?
By faith, this woman who was past childbearing age was able to conceive because she believed that God was able to fulfill His promise.
Who was Sarah?
Israel's first judge.
Who was Othniel?
The only woman in Israel's history to be both a prophetess and a judge.
Who is Deborah?
God appeared to this king in a dream to warn him not to take Sarah as a concubine after Abraham had lied to him by saying she was just his sister?
Who was Abimilech?
Abraham gave a tenth to this priest, who was also King of Salem.
Who was Melchizidek?
These heroes of faith will receive a "better resurrection." The world was not worthy of them.
Who are the martyrs?
What is the parable of the unjust judge?