What theory says "male dominance in a political and economic reinforces the norm of men over women... the norm for a male to be more powerful, dominant"
Patriarchal theory
What does ACE stand for?
Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs
- Potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years
- For example: experiencing violence, abuse, or neglect or witnessing violence in the home or community
1:5 children ___ everyday because of ____ ____
Who are usually the primary perpetrators?
1 in 5 children die everyday because of child abuse
Parents primary perpetrators
To see abuse we need to know the ___ and ____
Know signs and behaviors
• A _______ of violence, neglect, or emotional deprivation as a child
• Low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, ______
• Poor _____ skills
• _____ isolation, may be suspicious of others
• Few or no ____, little or no involvement in social or community activities
• A history of violence, neglect, or emotional deprivation as a child
• Low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, depression
• Poor coping skills
• Social isolation, may be suspicious of others
• Few or no friends, little or no involvement in social or community activities
What theory says "high frustration about negative societal situations may lead to aggressive behavior"
Frustration-aggression model
Children with high ACE scores are more likely to have what issues? These issues occur with an ACE score over ___
Higher rates of asthma, SUD, anxiety, depression, dissociative disorders, conduct disorders, personality disorders, ADHD, learning disabilities, PTSD, adult cancer and cardiovascular disease with ACE scores over 4
Nurses are ___ ____ of suspected child and elder abuse and neglect
Follow through with what?
Involve _____ immediately
Mandatory reporters
Follow through with reporting/reporting protocol
Involve supervisor immediately
What is the key to how much the child can recover, lifetime recovery for many?
Early ID and mental healthcare treatment
• History of ____ or ____ abuse
• Feels little or no ____ over life
• ____ tolerance for frustration
• Poor _____ control
• History of drug or alcohol abuse
• Feels little or no control over life
• Low tolerance for frustration
• Poor impulse control
What theory says "behaviors learned via modeling, identification, human interaction, more likely to model those they identify as like them or with whom they want to be like"
Social Learning Theory- intergenerational violence theory of family
Educate parents about the impacts of ACEs and toxic stress the same way you would for covering electrical outlets, or lead poisoning (T/F)
How to get parent and child to give you info?
Build trust with child and parent rather than accuse-perpetrators are the consumer too
Reported every __ seconds, ___ deaths per day
Reported every 10 seconds, 5 deaths per day
• Projects ____ onto the child for his or her problems
• Lack of effective ____ skills
• Inability to seek ____ from others
• Perceives the child as ___ or ___
• Projects blame onto the child for his or her problems
• Lack of effective parenting skills
• Inability to seek help from others
• Perceives the child as bad or evil
What theory says that "correlated with family abuse include environments with inadequate resources and overcrowding, isolation of families (closed families), SUD, early parenting"
Societal and Cultural Factors correlated with family abuse
Kid with ACE of 4 is ___x as likely to attempt to take her own life as a kid with 0 ACE score
Most deaths are in infants to age ___ years
Social Service model is predominantly ______
• History of severe mental illness, such as _____
• Violent _____ outbursts
• Looks to child for _____ of needs for love, support, and reassurance
• History of severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia
• Violent temper outbursts
• Looks to child for satisfaction of needs for love, support, and reassurance
What theory says "psychological traits and disorders correlated with abuse include low self-esteem, poor problem-solving skills, history of impulsive behavior, hypersensitivity (sees self as victim), and narcissism (centers on self, lacks compassion for others)"
No fault theories have not been supported in the majority of cases (T/F)
Psychological Factors
On MRI scans, we see measurable differences in the _____, the brain's fear response center with higher ACE scores
Occurs in all socioeconomic groups, all races but ____ is a consistent predictor
_____ includes harm/suffering that is physical emotional, sexual or neglectful that leads to death, harm, exploitation including failure to act on the child’s part
What Act?
>50% are cases of ___
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)
• Involved in a ____ situation such as unemployment, divorce, financial difficulties, abusive relationship
• Rigid, unrealistic _____ of child’s behavior
• Frequently uses ____ punishment
• Involved in a crisis situation such as unemployment, divorce, financial difficulties, abusive relationship
• Rigid, unrealistic expectations of child’s behavior
• Frequently uses harsh punishment