Safety Tips
Taking Risks

What is the leading cause of death for children 10 to 19?

A) Childhood diabetes

B) Childhood Cancer

C)Unintentional Injuries

D) Covid-19 


Which of the following is a tip to follow to help avoid injury around water?

A) Swim alone

B) Know your swimming ability

C) Swim far away from life guards 

D) Always dive into pools


Who is responsible for the risks you take

A) Yourself

B) Friends

C) Parents

D) Peers


Physical, Verbal, Emotional, or sexual abuse in a dating relationship

A) Emotional Abuse

B) Dating Violence

C) Hate Crimes

D) Terrorism


Person who is the target of violence

A) Victim

B) Bystander

C) Perpetrator

D) Attorney 


Which of the following is a safety tip to follow when you're driving?

A) Don't wear your seatbelt

B) Talk on your phone while driving

C) Text when you're driving

D)Only drive when you have a license


Which of the following is a tip for firearm safety? 

A) Store ammunition with the firearm

B) Keep firearms under your bed

C) Touch firearms without adults helping

D) Always keep your firearm locked up


Which is a strategy to avoid dares?

A) Say Yes

B) Say No once

C) Say No

D) Say Maybe


Unwelcomed touching, jokes, comments or demands of a sexual nature

A) Domestic Violence

B) Assault

C) Child Abuse

D) Sexual Harrasment


Person who sees or knows about violence 

A) Victim

B) Bystander

C) Perpetrator

D) Attorney


Which of the following is one of the steps for Peer Power for Advocacy?

A) Be a role model 

B) Make up your own facts

C) Follow the crowd

D) Only drive when you have a license


Which of the following is a pedestrian safety tip?

A) Don't use crosswalks

B) Walk with your back to traffic

C) Use crosswalks

D) Wear dark clothes at night


Threatening to harm or injure another is

A) Rape

B) Assault 

C) Terrorism

D) Battery


Which of the following is a cause of violence?

A. Strong feelings

B. Misinformation

C) Discrimination

D) All of the above


Humiliating or dangerous activity expected to join a group

A) Bullying

B) Child abuse

C) Hazing

D) Terrorism


About how many bike riders are killed each year?

A) 80

B) 8,000

C) 800

D) 80,000


Which of the following is a severe weather tip?

A) Stay outdoors

B) Buy supplies before a disaster? 

C) Get to low places during a flood

D) Buy supplies after a disaster


Doing physical harm or injury to another 



Which of the following is a reason to avoid fights?

A) Not getting suspended

B) keeping a good reputation

C) Not getting hurt

D) Having better relationships


What percent of fatal bike accidents could be prevented if kids wore helmets? 

A) 7%

B) 75%

C) 17%

D) 100%


Which of the following is a helmet safety tip?

A) Helmets should be loose

B) Helmets should be tilted back

C) Helmets should block vision

D)Helmets should fit snugly


Using power over others repeatedly to do physical or emotional harm

A) Hate crimes

B) Battery

C) Verbal abuse

D) Bullying


Which of the following is a tip for resolving conflict?

A) Avoid conflict

B) Negotiate

C) Defuse conflict

D) All of the above