Founding Fathers
Major Documents
Western Migration
This Virginian was known as the "Father of our Country".
Who is George Washington?
This document stated that all men were created equal and the reasons we wanted to separate from England and be our own country.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
This famous Virginian kept detailed notes to help create the Constitution we have today.
Who is James Madison?
These two directions were used mostly by Virginians after the Revolutionary War when changes in their agricultural began to take place.
What are west and south?
The Wilderness Road, a trail, created a natural break in the mountain range. This was known as the ...
What is Cumberland Gap
This famous Virginian wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom giving all Virginians the right to worship as they please.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This document states how the government for our new nation would be set up and the rights of its citizens.
What is the Constitution?
The Constitution is a plan of...
What is government?
This crop depleted the soil causing Virginians to move to a new area.
What is tobacco?

What two inventions influenced Virginians to migrate to new lands?

Cotton Gin and Mechanical Reaper

This famous Virginian was called the "Father of the Constitution".
Who is James Madison?
This document written by Thomas Jefferson stated that all Virginians had the right to worship as they please and provided religious freedom to all Virginians.
What is the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom?

During the Constitutional Convention, Madisons skills at compromise helped during the writing of what important document?

The writing of the US constitution 


Why did Virginians move south and west after the American Revolution?

They hoped to find better farmland and more opportunity


What did the cotton gin do?

Picked out small, sticky seeds in cotton

I am a famous Virginian who wanted to be remembered after my death for authoring two major documents in my lifetime.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This document written by George Mason provided freedom of speech, religion, and press. It would later serve as a model for the Bill of Rights to be added later to the Constitution.
What is the Virginia Declaration of Rights?

What are the three branches of government?

Judicial, executive and legislative


As Virginians began to migrate west, what happened to people who were enslaved?

African Americans were sold to people in southern states or Virginians took their slaves with them


What does the mechanical reaper do?

Produce wheat with less workers

I am a Virginian who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights and refused to sign the Constitution until a decision to add the Bill of Rights was made.
Who is George Mason?
The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called these.
What are the Bill of Rights?
Which branch of government is divided into two separate parts called the Senate and the House of Representatives/Delegates?

The Legislative Branch

As Virginians moved, they took with them their ideas, traditions, and these.
What is culture?

What impact did Virginians have on the areas they settled?

a. They took land from Native Americans 

b. They did not have any impact

c. They taught cotton farming techniques to other settlers 

d. Their traditions, culture and ideas spread with them to new places

A. They took land from Native Americans and 

D. Their traditions, culture and ideas spread with them to new places