Events and Battles
North vs South
Fun Facts

Who was Nat Turner?


What was the first major battle of the Civil War?

The First Battle of Bull Run


What are some other names for the Northern states?

The Union and the Yankees


Who burned Richmond when it fell to Richmond?

It fell to General Ulysses S. Grant and was burned by the Confederacy near the end of the war. Fires were set by retreating Confederate forces to keep war supplies from approaching Union forces.


_______________________ was the Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia?

General Robert E. Lee


Define abolitionist.

Abolitionists campaigned to end slavery.


Who defeated Union troops at Fredericksburg, Virginia?

General Robert E. Lee


What is another name for the Southern states?

The Confederacy.


What side did most white Virginians support?

The Confederacy


What was the capitol of the Confederacy?



What woman supported secret routes that enslaved African Americans used. These routes became known as the “Underground Railroad.”

Harriet Tubman



Describe the battle between the Monitor (Union) and the Merrimack (Confederacy).

President Abraham Lincoln used the Union navy to blockade southern ports. An important sea battle between the Monitor (Union) and the Merrimack (Confederacy), two ironclad ships, took place in Virginia waters near Norfolk and Hampton. The battle was fought to a draw. 

It was also known as the Battle of Hampton Roads.


Did the North or the South want new states to be "slave states?"

Northern states wanted the new states created out of the western territories to be “free states,” while the southern states wanted the new states to be “slave states.”


Where did the Civil War end?

Appomattox Court House, Virginia


Who was Ulysses S. Grant?

The Union General. He captured Richmond.



Who led a raid on the United States Armory (Arsenal) at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (present-day West Virginia)? He was trying to start a slave rebellion. He was captured and hanged.

John Brown


What Confederate General played a major role in the First Battle of Bull Run (also known as the Battle of First Manassas)?

Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson


Point out the Union, the Confederacy and the Border States on the map?


The Civil War ended at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, where __________________ surrendered his army to ___________________ in April 1865.

Confederate General Robert E. Lee

Union General Ulysses S. Grant


What was the role of American Indians in the war?

Many American Indians did not take sides during the Civil War.


The election of what president in 1860 led to the secession of some Southern states?

Abraham Lincoln



Why did West Virginia secede from Virginia?

Conflict grew between the eastern counties of Virginia that relied on slavery and the western counties that did not favor slavery.

Many disagreements between the two regions of the state led to the creation of West Virginia.


Describe the differences between the North and South economically.

The economy in the northern part of the United States was more industrialized, while the economy in the southern part was agricultural and relied more on slave labor.



In what year did the Civil War end?



Describe the role of enslaved African Americans during the war?

Many enslaved African Americans sought freedom by following the Union Army, where many found work. Some women and men provided labor, and some men fought for the Union Army.

The Confederacy relied on enslaved African Americans to raise crops and provide labor for the army.