How many regions are in Virginia?
What state borders Virginia to the South?
North Carolina
What was the Original capital of the Virginia colonies?
The English and other Europeans settled PRIMARILY in which regions?
Coastal Plain & Piedmont
I granted to original charter in 1606 to the Virginia Company of London to establish a colony for the main purpose of finding gold and silver.
Who am I?
King James I
Name the 5 regions of Virginia.
Coastal Plain, the Piedmont, The blue ridge mountains, the valley and ridge, the appalachin plateau
I am located to the WEST of Virginia Above Tennessee
What was the main cash crop in the Virginia Colonies?
Few people had money to buy goods and services, and Colonial Virginia did not have banks.
How were most Virginian able to get what they needed?
Bartering and Tobacco were used instead of money
A representative of a certain area the is chosen to speak for everyone's concerns.
Who am I?
A Burgess
Virginia's coastal plain is low and flat.
What body of water borders Virginia to the EAST?
What is the Chesapeake Bay?
What are two main reasons the capital was moved?
1. Fire destroyed wooden and brick buildings
2. Unhealthy living conditions caused disease
What region were Africans primarily brought to?
Coastal Plain (Tidewater)
I am the leader of the Executive Branch, I live in the capital city, and I am elected by the people.
Who am I?
The Governor
What is a Plateau?
An Area of High Flat Land
What state is located to the North, and shares the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay?
What is Maryland?
One reason settlers settled in the Shenandoah Valley was because it was along the__________.
The Migration Route
They produced crops for their own use.
They were primarily owned by white men.
Small Farms
This branch makes law, and has an "upper" and "lower" chamber.
What region did the Scot-Irish and Germans settle in?
Valley & Ridge
What bordering state is known for it's coal mining?
What is West Virginia?
What happened in 1699 to the capital of Virginia, and why?
It was moved from Jamestown to Williamsburg due to contaminated drinking water, unhealthy living conditions, and fire destroyed brick and buildings
Primarily worked by enslaved Africans.
The main purpose was to make money.
Owned by a few white men
Plantations (Large Farms)
This branch enforces the laws