Who's Who?
Groups of People
The Declaration
Bonus Fun

____________ provided military leadership by serving as commander of the Continental Army.

Who is George Washington?


Battle that took place in 1775 when the British were trying to reach Norfolk by way of a small town. The British sustained 102 casulties while the colonists only had one man wounded.

What is the Battle of Great Bridge?


Supported the Continental Army trying to overthrow the British.

What is a patriot?


Wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


No taxation without ___________.

What is representation?


____________ provided political leadership by expressing the reasons for colonial independence from Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This happened on July 4th 1776.

The United States declared independence from Great Britain. 


Stayed loyal to Great Britain and the King.

What is a loyalist?


The year that the Declaration of Independence was written.

What is 1776?



Definition of revolutionary.

What is engaged in a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system?


The famous speaker that spoke the lines "give me liberty or give me death."

Who is Patrick Henry?


The war ended with this treaty in 1783.

What is the Treaty of Paris?


The role of African Americans in the Revolutionary War.

What is some enslaved African Americans supported the British, who promised them freedom while some free African Americans fought for independence from Great Britain?


The Declaration of Independence states that authority to govern belongs to the _______ rather than to _________.

What is people; kings?



Rode 40 miles through the Virginia backwoods to warn Thomas Jefferson that the British were on their way to capture him.

Who is Jack Jouett?



The Marquis de Lafayette's contributions to the war.

Who is a French nobleman that volunteered his service to the Continental Army during the American Revolution?

He also persuaded the king of France to provide French troops, ships, and money. The Marquis de Lafayette contributed to the victory at Yorktown.


The last land battle of the American Revolution.

What is the American victory at Yorktown?

Bonus Fact: It resulted in the surrender of the British army in 1781.


The role of women during the Revolutionary War.

What is women took on more responsibilities to support the war effort?


The rights that the Declaration of Independence declared.

What is all people are created equal and have rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?


The first battles of the war took place at __________ and __________.

Lexington and Concord


___________ an enslaved African American from Virginia, served as a spy in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. He successfully requested his freedom after the war with the support of the Marquis de Lafayette.

James Armistead Lafayette  


Reasons why the capital was moved from Williamsburg to Richmond.

The population was moving westward for more opportunities.

Richmond was a more central location.

Moving to Richmond increased the distance from the sea and possible attack by the British.


Role of Native Americans in the Revolutionary War.

What is some American Indians fought alongside the Virginia patriots, while others fought with the British?


Reasons for declaring independence.

The colonists and the British Parliament disagreed over how the colonies should be governed:

Parliament believed it had legal authority in the colonies, while the colonists believed their local assemblies had legal authority.

Parliament believed it had the right to tax the colonies, while the colonists believed they should not be taxed because they had no representation in Parliament.



Known as the Paul Revere of the South.

Who is Jack Jouett?