What should you say when someone holds the door for you?
"Thank you!"
Name three materials you might need to do your laundry.
Three of the following: washer, dryer, dirty clothes or garments, detergent, dryer sheets, fabric softener
A tree falls on your house
How do you feel when you are going to a friend's birthday celebration?
Happy, Excited
What should you say if you need to get by but someone is standing in your way?
"Excuse me."
What type of kitchen appliance do you typically use when making spaghetti?
Dropped your sandwich
How do you feel when your favorite group activities are cancelled?
Sad, mad, angry, upset
When someone is speaking to you, what non-verbal behavior can you exhibit so they know you are listening?
Make eye-contact and orient towards the individual
What doctor do you need to go to if you are having a tooth problem?
The dentist
Cell-phone has no battery
How do you feel when you don't know the answer to a question?
You are with your friend and he is standing so close that you feel uncomfortable. What could you say?
You are buying a snack and your total comes to $5.50. You have two 1 dollar bills, a 10 dollar bill, and a 20 dollar bill. What should you give?
Penny - one cent
Nickel - five cents
Dime - ten cents
Quarter - twenty-five cents
You fell off your bike and your leg hurts too much to walk
How do you feel when you trip and spill your drink and your friends laugh?
A three-part greeting includes
What is, "Hello, [insert name] how are you?"
Besides showering/bathing, what should you use daily to keep your body smelling fresh?
You are alone and do not know where you are
How do you feel when you receive a package in the mail from a friend?
Excited, surprised, happy