What UNITS (Letters) would you use to measure LENGHT, WIDTH and DISTANCES.
Centimetres (cm)
Metres (m)
Kilometers (km)
Name one thing you can do if you don't know how to read a word?
Sound it out, break the word apart, read over the sentence, look at the syllables.
What is wrong with this sentence?
today I went to the store to buy some fruit.
PUNCTUATION: Needs to start with a CAPITAL.
What FORCE is this an example of?
Name this note:
A Quarter Note: "Ta"
How many days have we been doing ONLINE learning?
What UNIT (Letters) would you use to measure CAPACITY and liquids?
Litres (L)
Millimetres (ml)
This is what you write after you read a book or text.
Another word for a "Retell".
What is a SUMMARY
Name the 5 Ws you need to write a complete sentence.
When, Who, What, Where and Why.
What FORCE is this an example of?
Name this note:
A Eighth Note: "Ti-Ti"
Name the other 5 teachers who help our classmates.
Ms. Dan, Ms. Evangelou, Ms. Verma,
Ms. Di Constanzo, Ms. Mabel
What UNITS (Letters) would you use to measure
MASS - Weight?
grams (g) , milligrams (mg) , Kilograms (kg)
tonne (t)
Name 3 Characteristic Traits to describe a character of a story.
Brave, Nice, Smart, Mean, Happy, Lazy, Determined...
Introduction: Topic Sentence
Body: 3 Ideas
Conclusion: Sum it up!
What FORCE is this an example of?
What do you do when you see this?
Quarter Rest - "Sh"
What was each of your JOBS / RESPOSIBILITIES at school for December?
Shoe, Arm, Finger, Step, Pencil, Book, etc...
When reading, you need to PAUSE at me and STOP at my friend. Name these two.
A COMMA ( , ) and a PERIOD (.)
Name 3 things you need to check for when you "self-edit" your writing?
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation.
What FORCE is this an example of? (Rubbing)
What is this note?
Half Note: "Ta-a"
What does this EMOJI mean?
😬 😱
Scared or Nervous
What UNIT would you use to measure this item?
You got it!
All stories, narratives and fiction books share these 5 features.
What are the:
1. Setting 2. Characters 3. Problem
4. Solution 5. Plot (Beginning, Middle, End)
Name the 4 PARTS of SPEECH that you should have to make a complete sentence.
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs!
Forces can only do these TWO things.
You are correct!
What READING LEVEL should all Grade 3 students be at by the end of the year?