What are ways to greet your teacher on Zoom?
wave, fist bump, wink, smile, virtual hug, & virtual high five, Say "Good Morning" in the chat.
You should always have your camera off during class.
FALSE: You should always have your camera on.
What are appropriate ways to dress during virtual class?
Uniforms, shirt,, pants, skirts or dress, hair properly tailored.
How do you get on Peardeck if you're on Zoom?
Minimize your zoom window, go to joinpd.com, type in class code to join.
How many paragraphs are included in an informational writing?
5 paragraphs
What are the steps for entering virtual class?
1. You start in the waiting room.
2. Your teacher let's you in and says "good morning"
3. You both virtually greet each other
What are 3 reasons to use the chat?
1. Answer a question
2. Ask a question
3. Ask permission for a break.
What are inappropriate ways to dress in class?
Pajamas, No shirts, no pants, head rags
Where can you find all your assignments/activities for all your classes?
You can find your assignments/activities on Google Classroom.
Name the parts of an introductory paragraph for informational writing?
Hook, Topic Sentence, Clarifying statement, 3 Bold Ideas, Closing Sentence.
Why is having a routing for entering class so important?
It's important because it let's your teacher know how you're doing and it saves time. Answers may vary.
All students should be on mute during class unless their teacher gives them permission.
TRUE: We should always be on mute during class so that we don't distract the class.
What are appropriate ways to answer or ask questions during class?
Type privately or publicly in the chat, Raise emoji hand, unmute when given permission
True or False:
I should complete only some of my classwork and homework.
I should complete ALL of classwork and homework assignments.
True or False:
Informational Writing should include your personal opinion.
Informational Writing should include facts that teach a lesson.
What should your name look like on Zoom during your classes?
First Name Last Initial
True or False
I should sit in a loud, dark area during class.
I should sit in a quiet, lit area during class.
Students should have an organized learning space with all their materials during distance learning. WHY?
You should have an organized learning space because it can help you focus and get your work done on time.
True or False:
I should click turn in assignment even when I haven't completed my assignments.
I should click turn in assignment when I have completed the actual assignment.
I should write off topic in informational writing.
False: I should write on topic in informational writing.
Why is it important to have your full name displayed on Zoom?
Your name on Zoom is important because then your teachers can call on you and you they can know who is entering the class.
True or False
I should arrive on time to class everyday.
True or False:
I should always do my best and respect others.
How do I access my grades?
I go to mybackpack and then click on Infinite Campus.
I am a great writer.
True: You can do anything you put your mind to with a bit of hard work and focusing.