Not the Body
Greek Mythology
Record-Breaking Waters
Nobel Prize Winners

Where a river meets a lake or ocean.

What is a mouth?


Persephone tied herself to Hades by eating the seeds of this produce.

What is a pomegranate?


This species of fox is the most widely distributed type across the Northern Hemisphere, and it is noted for its distinct color.

What is a red fox?


The largest Great Lake by volume. I suppose you could say it's the Greatest Great Lake!

What is Lake Superior?


This famous German scientist won the Nobel Prize for Physics for his discovery of the photoelectric effect.

Who is Einstein?


An individual section of a relay race.

What is a leg?


His wax wings burned up as he flew too close to the sun.

Who is Icarus?


This website that covers poll statistics, elections, and politics features a cartoon fox as its mascot.

What is FiveThirtyEight?


Trent Grimsey holds the record for swimming across this body of water in 6 hours and 55 minutes, but I could take the Chunnel and be across in about 35 minutes!

What is the English Channel/La Manche?


In 1945, Sir Alexander Fleming was awarded the Prize in Medicine for his discovery of this.

What is penicillin? 


The pieces that jut out of a cog in order to rotate adjacent gears.

What are teeth?


This popular shoe brand is named after the Goddess of Victory.

What is Nike?


Most foxes are in this genetic family, along with dogs.

What is canine/canidae?


The Amazon River takes in runoff precipitation from the largest area of land, meaning it has the largest this.

What is a drainage basin/watershed?

This author of "Pygmalion" was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925 for his political satire.

Who is George Bernard Shaw?


The hole in which one threads through a needle.

What is an eye?


She is one of the primordial deities and is the ancestral mother of all life. 

Who is Gaia?


"The Fox and the Grapes" tells the story of a fox that cannot reach grapes on a vine. It is from this collection of short stories.

What are Aesop's Fables?


The most noted feature of the Zambezi River is this waterfall, potentially considered the largest in the world.

What is Victoria Falls?


This American president was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his charity work done after his time in office concluded. His foundation partnered with Emory University to fight for human rights.

Who is Jimmy Carter?

The top of a knife, opposite to the blade, which provides support.

What is a spine?


Jason and the Argonauts travelled to Colchis in hopes of gaining this item.

What is the Golden Fleece?


A female fox is known as this, which can also be used for a spirited or fierce woman, especially one seen as sexually attractive. 

What is a vixen?


The Danube holds the record for running through the most countries (at a total 9 European nations), but it used to be the frontier of this ancient empire.

Who are the Romans?


C.F. Powell won the award in Physics for the discovery of this subatomic particle, which consists of a quark and an antiquark

What is a pion?