What is the proper name for the flu
What is Influenza
What is the larger part of the virus the capsid is it a the capsid or b the rna/dna
The answer is “a”
When was the electron microscope created
What was the full name of the first virus that we read about that exclusively effects plants
The tobacco mosaic virus
What was the first variation of the flu
The Spanish flu
How does a virus spread from human to human (list 2 examples)
It spreads via:sharing water and food, talking, sneezing and coughing on each other , sexual transmission as well as infections(such as dirt getting in a wound
What is the function of the capsid
To protect the rna/ dna
When was the Spanish flu found
March 1918
What are the main three shapes of viruses
Spherical, complex and cylindrical
What are the most common symptoms of a common cold
Fever ,stomach ache, and headache as well as a blocked nose
What is the full name for HIV
Human immunodeficiency virus
In detail explain how a virus reproduces and infects cells
It first latches on to a cell or a”host” ,once that is complete they inject their rna/dna into the cell and use its materials to recreate parts of itself , then it puts itself together and the cell bursts spreading the virus
When was the fatal flu that killed a flock of chickens
What does a virus consider as a hosr
Any form of cell as long as it can bind to it and inject its genetic material
What kind of shape is the hiv virus
Largely spherical
What is the most common way that hiv and in turn aids spread in America and what is the most common demographic for it’s spread
It is most commonly spread through std and the homosexuals are the main demographic
Compare and contrast the shape and structure of two viruses
Game makers desicion
When did scientists create a vaccine for polio
When did the third wave of the black plague globally end
In 1945 it was considered to have finally died out
How come people who have a healthy immune system can die of a cold if they haven’t had contact with humans
Because their immune system doesn’t think to fight it due to its unknown properties and essence the immune system simply embraces it so to speak
Why can’t we use the same vaccine for every infection and virus
Because different cells are effected by different viruses and not all viruses are able to fit on the same cell
Does hiv’s structure change into aids or does HIV develop aids as a different set of viruses
HIV doesn’t change it’s own structure rather it creates the select environment for aids to develop
When was the cure for aids found
Trick question there is no cure only treatment
Why is there no cure for HIV
Because it degrades your immune system so that even if injected with a vaccine it will do nothing other than put more copies in your cells making it worse than it was before
Describe what the plague doctors looked like from toe to head
They had a beak shaped mask, carried sweet smelling flowers in their pockets and often war a semi-long robe