Name the Primary Colors
The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue
Define Line
A moving Point
What year Did Romanticism Take place
How Many step are in the art criticism process
Define folk artist
Artist who are self taught
Name the Secondary Colors
The three secondary colors are orange, green, and purple.
Define Space
What Is Expressionism famous for?
Bold color and expressing emotion
Name the first step in the art criticism process
Define Monochromatic
One color different hues
Name a Tertiary color
The six tertiary colors are red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet.
Give an Example of form
spheres, cones, cubes, pyramids and prisms
Fun Fact: In class , what was the fun-fact given about Mannerism.
Referring to the year 1520-1600 it is one of the oldest movements.
Edvard Munch Created the painting discussed in our lesson, what was its name?
The scream
Name the cool colors
blue, green, and purple
Define color
Define Value
Lightness to Darkness
Cubism is famous for?
Geometric Shapes
Name the fours steps to the Art Criticism Process
Describe, Analyze, Interpret, Evaluate
Its a circle that houses all the colors
A color wheel
Name the warm colors
shades of red, orange, and yellow
Define Shape
In Abstract art name the Artist Who Created the tree of Life. first and last name
Wassily Kandinsky
What is includes in a credit line
artist's name, title of the piece, creation date, medium used, dimensions, and sometimes the current location
What is Perceive
Becoming Aware through senses