Not to be used to palpate the pulse because it could be confused with a patients pulse
What is the thumb
Temperature site that you need to subtract 1 degree from
What is rectal temperature
Elevated BP
What is hypertension
Drug dependence can lead to
What is addiction
Pain that is sudden and often short term
What is acute
Pulse rate below 60 bpm
What is bradycardia
Normal body temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius
What is 98.6 degrees F and 37 degrees C
Measurement for blood pressure
What is mmHg
Lack of spontaneous respiration
What is Apnea
What is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
The pulse is the pressure of blood pushing against what
What are the walls of the arteries in the heart
4 most common sites for measuring temperature
What is Oral, axillary, rectal, tympanic
Normal blood pressure
120/80 mmHg
Convert 2330 to standard time
What is 11:30pm
Meaning of a 10 on the pain scale
What is feeling the worst pain that you have ever felt
Abnormal heart rhythm
What is dysrhythmia
Temperature that requires immediate medical attention
What is 104 degrees F
BP is 145/88 mmHg, the number 88 is
What is the diastolic pressure
Your responsibility if there is an abnormal vital sign or a change in vital sign values?
What is notify the nursing staff
Ongoing, recurring
What is Chronic pain
What is fast pulse
Ways to avoid cross contamination when using a thermometer on multiple patients
What is disposable probe covers
Normally taken only when a patient is unconscious or during a medical emergency
What is carotid pulse
4 measurements included in the term "vital signs"
What are HR, RR, BP, T
Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, sweating, delirium, abdominal pain, and seizures
What is withdrawal