What is the normal oral temperature range for adults?
What is the normal pulse range for adults?
60–100 beats per minute (bpm).
What is the normal respiration rate for adults?
12–20 breaths per minute.
What is the correct position for a patient when taking their blood pressure?
The patient should be seated, with their feet flat on the floor, arm supported at heart level.
What does BMI stand for?
Body Mass Index.
What should a patient avoid doing 15 minutes before taking an oral temperature?
Eating, drinking, smoking, or chewing gum.
Name the pulse point located on the thumb side of the wrist.
Radial pulse.
What should you observe to measure respiration accurately?
The rise and fall of the chest or abdomen.
What is considered a normal blood pressure reading for adults?
What equipment is used to measure height?
A stadiometer or measuring tape.
What is a fever considered when measuring oral temperature?
How is apical pulse measured?
Using a stethoscope to listen over the heart and counting the beats.
16–30 breaths per minute
What is systolic pressure?
The pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts.
What BMI range is considered normal for adults?
Name one factor that can affect oral temperature accuracy.
Recent food or beverage intake, smoking, or physical activity.
What does pulse indicate?
It indicates the heart rate and strength of blood flow.
Why is it important not to inform the patient that you are observing their respiration?
They may alter their breathing pattern, affecting accuracy.
What equipment is used for manual blood pressure measurement?
Sphygmomanometer and stethoscope.
If a patient has a BMI of 17, what classification do they fall under?
What factors can affect the reading of an oral temperature?
Factors like age, activity, time of day, and hydration can slightly affect the reading
What is pulse?
Pulse is the rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery caused by the beating of the heart
What is the normal respiration rate for infants?
30–60 breaths per minute.
Name two factors that can cause hypotension.
Dehydration, blood loss, or heart conditions.
What is the BMI of a person who weighs 180 pounds and is 5'6" (66 inches)?
29.1 (Overweight).