Measures balance between heat body loses and heat body produces.
What is temperature?
what is 120/80
A blood pressure of 140/90 in an adult is considered this.
what is hypertension?
a combining form is made up of this
what is word root and a combining vowel?
Military time runs on a ___________format.
what is 24 hour?
Normal respiration a minute for an adult are?
What is 12-20?
recognize the need to wait this long after a patient has been active to assess respirations
what is 5-10 minutes?
Blood pressure is elevated during a visit to a health care provider is referred to as this
what is white coat syndrome?
the most common combining vowel
what is o?
Convert to military time:
5:25 am
what is 0525?
Vital signs rhythms are described as
what is regular and irregular?
There are 10 pules sites on your body, the most common one is
what is radial pulse?
Difficult or labored breathing
What is dyspnea?
the term that means perfuse sweating
what is diaphoresis?
Convert to military time:
9:12 pm
what is 2112?
The difference between the systolic and diastolic readings is known as this.
what is pulse pressure?
The difference between palpitation and auscultation is
What is feeling vs. hearing?
Skin, nail beds, and lips turn blue
What is cyanosis?
the outer layer of the skin
what is epidermis?
Convert to military time:
what is 1200?
Normal pulse rate for average adult
What is 60-100
how to position patient for a rectal temperature reading
what is left side lying?
Method for taking a pulse most common in pediatric/neonate patients
what is apical?
the suffix that means control, stop, and standing
what is stasis?
Convert to military time:
what is 0000 or 2400?