This occurs when the body temperature exceeds 104 degrees F measured rectally.
What is hyperthermia?
One inspiration and one expiration constitute this measurement.
What is one respiration?
This pressure occurs when the heart is contracting and pushing blood into the arteries.
What is systolic pressure?
This irregular or abnormal heart rhythm is usually caused by a defect in the electrical conduction pattern of the heart.
What is an arrhythmia?
This is the term that describes a pulse rate over 100 beats per minute, except in children.
What is tachycardia?
The time of day when body temperature is usually lower.
What is the morning?
Difficulty breathing in conjunction with a high-pitched whistling or sighing sound during expiration is called this.
What is wheezing?
This is the cause of heart sounds.
What is the closing of the valves in the heart?
This term describes a sudden drop in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure that can happen when a person moves quickly from a sitting to a standing position.
What is orthostatic hypotension?
This is the measurement of the balance between heat produced and heat lost.
What is temperature?
This is the most accurate method for taking a temperature.
What is a rectal temperature?
The term used to describe difficult or labored respirations.
What is dyspnea?
The pressure of blood pushing against the wall of an artery as the heart beats and rests defines this term.
What is a pulse?
When the diastolic reading of a blood pressure consistently reads between 80-89 mmHg it could indicate this condition.
What is prehypertension?
This site for taking a pulse is commonly used for infants and small children.
What is an apical pulse?
The minimal amount of time that a glass clinical thermometer should be soaked in a disinfectant before it is used.
What is 30 minutes?
Periods of dyspnea and apnea indicate this type of respirations.
What are Cheyne-Stokes respirations?
In order to obtain the most accurate determination of a pulse deficit it is necessary to have this number of trained staff available.
What is two? (One person to check the apical pulse, while the second person checks the radial pulse)
When the heart is weak and not pumping a sufficient amount of blood, this deficit frequently occurs.
What is a pulse deficit?
Words such as strong or weak are used to describe this characteristic of a pulse.
What is volume?
This word is another term for fever.
What is pyrexia?
Respirations characterized by bubbling, crackling, or noisy sounds are referred to as this term.
What are rales?
This term is used to describe the characteristic of a regular or irregular pulse.
What is rhythm?
Blood pressures greater than 140 mmHg systolic and 90 mmHg diastolic indicate this condition.
What is hypertension?
Supporting the patient's forearm on a flat surface, using a cuff where the length of the bladder is approximately 80% of the circumference of the patient's upper arm, and making sure the arm is free of any constrictive clothing and applied to bare skin describes this process.
What is the correct way to measure blood pressure?